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The Invisible Agent. The creative team at Fred Segal Finery in Santa Monica really outdid themselves with our display of ties for Spring 2011. It looks AMAZING and I’m obsessed with the phrenology heads! Thanks so much guys! Starlet showcase. August 3rd is Dolores del Rio's birthday.There's a very lovely photo of her in ourvery first post. A lot of wicked hairdresserstried some rather severe things with herhair over the years. Me, I like these. Happy birthday, Dolores. Noh way. In Uncategorized on November 21, 2009 at 7:31 am In BROKEN EMBRACES, Penelope Cruz with this latest, deliriously movie-mad offering by Pedro Almodovar, enters that rarefied realm of extra-special muses who have inspired our greatest directors since cinema’s earliest beginnings: Gish and Griffith Dietrich and von Sternberg Setsuko Hara and Ozu Anna Karina and Godard Diane Keaton and Woody Allen. and before, Penelope, there was Carmen Maura and Pedro Almodovar Gong Li and Zhang Yimou of course, these intense relationships can have negative as well as positive effects, as when Zhang Yimou’s daughter recently accused Gong Li of “ruining her childhood” (see story here): Here’s my review of BROKEN EMBRACES in FILM JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL; just click on the link below COPYRIGHT: davidnoh2009 Like this: Like Loading...

Los frikis también lloran. El rincón de Alvy Singer. The playlist. Asiateca. Que el cine evoluciona en base a movimientos es algo que ya sabemos desde hace tiempo, desde los años sesenta de la nouvelle vague e incluso antes… Momentos en los que unos cineastas tienen que “saltar y empujar” (lema del free cinema inglés) para lograr hacerse ver… y unas veces eso se consigue de una forma tranquila y serena, sin sobresaltos (el nuevo cine italiano) y otras hay que recurrir a métodos expeditivos… de nuevo, la nouvelle vague… Es difícil encontrar una cinematografía que en el algún instante no haya tenido esa ola que le aporta algo de aire fresco, nuevas ideas y nuevas maneras de entender el cine… Los cinemas asiáticos no han sido tampoco ajenos a ello, y así tenemos el nuevo cine japonés de los años sesenta, la quinta generación china de los ochenta, la generación perdida de los noventa, el nuevo cine taiwanés de Hou Hsiao-hsien y Edward Yang o los nuevos cines hongkoneses, primera versión (Tsui Hark, Ann Hui,…) y segunda versión (Wong Kar-wai, Stanley Kwan,…).

Cinebeats. By Kimberly Lindbergs | October 9, 2007 “ I’m excited by film. It’s one of the freest, most effective means of expression. Especially in the realm of dream and fantasy! What wonders, what joys it may hold in store for us! Some day film may replace literature. ” - Henry Miller (1975, Tom Schiller), which was made when Miller was 84 years old. Besides his incredible accomplishments as an author who has managed to influence everyone from Jack Kerouac to Henry Rollins, Miller was also a member of the prestigious Cannes Film Festival Jury in 1960. Besides Miller’s obvious enthusiasm for Kagi , he also liked La Dolce Vita a lot and had this to say about the film to his friend, the photographer Brassai: “Fellini’s film also lasts three hours, but it doesn’t seem long. Part I. Part II. Part III.

Part IV. Recommended Links: - Henry Miller: Personal Collection is a wonderful tribute site put together by Miller’s daughter Valentine. by Kimberly Lindbergs | May 18, 2007 By Themes : Swinging London By Country : Coffee, coffee and more coffee. Reverse Shot.