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Titan: Nasa scientists discover evidence 'that alien life exists on Saturn's moon' The first paper, in the journal Icarus, shows that hydrogen gas flowing throughout the planet’s atmosphere disappeared at the surface. This suggested that alien forms could in fact breathe. The second paper, in the Journal of Geophysical Research, concluded that there was lack of the chemical on the surface. Scientists were then led to believe it had been possibly consumed by life. Researchers had expected sunlight interacting with chemicals in the atmosphere to produce acetylene gas.

Chris McKay, an astrobiologist at Nasa Ames Research Centre, at Moffett Field, California who led the research, said: “We suggested hydrogen consumption because it's the obvious gas for life to consume on Titan, similar to the way we consume oxygen on Earth. "If these signs do turn out to be a sign of life, it would be doubly exciting because it would represent a second form of life independent from water-based life on Earth.” They warned, however, that there could be other explanations for the findings.

SLOOH SpaceCamera - Live Event. This Asteroid Will Give Earth a Close Shave Later Today. 'Kepler' encuentra un planeta que podría ser habitable. SEÑORES que no vamos a viajar a ese planeta, por favor. Aún viajando a la velocidad de la luz, no tenemos seiscientos años para ir ahí. Por mi parte, vaya, que no cuenten para aterrizar en un sitio así, que luego ya se sabe lo que pasa con esos viajes largos, que acabas encontrándote la estatua de Carlos III de la Puerta del Sol, semi enterrada en arena, en medio de una playa, y rodeado de monos... No obstante, por supuesto que es positivo que se haga un catálogo de exoplanetas.

Así, es mucho más fácil saber dónde dirigir nuestras antenas. Tengamos algo muy claro: si no hay planeta, no hay vida. Y si hay planeta, ni siquiera significa que esa vida esté en el propio planeta: seguramente no será habitable. No obstante, un planeta en la zona habitable de una estrella y con un tamaño razonablemente parecido al de la Tierra es un filón. NASA spies the birth throes of a new iceberg | Bad Astronomy. Carolyn Porco flies us to Saturn. SETI@home. NewsCenter. NewsCenter is the complete collection of every Hubble Space Telescope news release and its supporting materials, along with tools and resources designed to further your knowledge of astronomy.

Find every Hubble news release, from the first images to the latest discoveries. Examine the complete collection of images, videos and the accompanying information. Releasing Scientific Findings to the Public: Scientists please submit newsworthy items with the news release form. Also see the news release policy. Browse the News Release Archive:More browse options Stay Connected Access Hubble Images, news and updates anytime, anywhere. E-mail newsletter HubbleSite is produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

The Hubble Space Telescope is a mission of the NASA Origins Program. search | site map | reference desk | mobile | about us | contact us | copyright. Massive Solar Flare Could Bring Aurora Tonight! - Environment. For all you celestial dorks out there (and I include myself in these ranks), it might be worth clearing your schedule tonight. The most powerful solar flare in four years erupted late Monday, and it sent "a firehose of material" towards Earth. Which means there's a much better than usual chance of aurora borealis, or the Northern Lights, tonight and tomorrow night. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters are giving a 45 percent chance of geomagnetic activity in the northern continental United States and a 30 percent chance at latitudes as far south as Washington, D.C.

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory explains: Active region 1158 let loose with an X2.2 flare at 0153 UT or 8:50 pm ET on February 15, 2011, the largest flare since Dec. 2006 and the biggest flare so far in Solar Cycle 24. Active Region 1158 is in the southern hemisphere, which has been lagging the north in activity but now leads in big flares! Might I interest you in a short video of the explosion? Trojan asteroid discovered stalking Earth. Astronomers have discovered the first Trojan asteroid sharing Earth’s orbit around the sun. Trojans are asteroids locked in stable orbits by a gravitational balancing act between a planet and the sun. They have previously been discovered accompanying Neptune, Jupiter and Mars. By their nature, Earth’s trojans are very difficult to spot and 2010 TK7 is the first to be found. It took a NASA infrared space telescope to spot the 300 meter-wide space rock. Full story at Discovery News. More news from Discovery Communications.


Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky. ScienceBlogs. By Rick Ambrose, Executive Vice President, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company It’s time to let the next generation in on a secret. The fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) aren’t just where the jobs are.

They’re where the excitement is as well. I’ve spent the past 30 years leading aerospace and technology teams,… The 3rd USA Science & Engineering Festival, the nation’s largest celebration of STEM, is just one month away! This FREE and open to the public event will take place April 26 & 27 at the Washington, D.C. On The USA Science & Engineering Festival Blog, Rick Ambrose of Lockheed Martin says that pursuing an education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is not just a way to improve academically, it can also lead to some of the most exciting careers imaginable.