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Chinas Ethnic Groups

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China's Ethnic Tinderbox

Ethnolingustic Map Of China. Ethnic Groups - china. Ethnic minorities in China. Ethnolinguistic map of China and Taiwan Ethnic minorities in China are the non-Han Chinese population in the People's Republic of China.

Ethnic minorities in China

The People's Republic of China (PRC) officially recognizes 55 ethnic minority groups within China in addition to the Han majority. As of 2010, the combined population of officially recognised minority groups comprised 8.49% of the population of mainland China.[1] In addition to these officially recognized ethnic minority groups, there are PRC nationals who privately classify themselves as members of unrecognized ethnic groups (such as Jewish, Tuvan, Oirat and Ili Turki).

The ethnic minority groups officially recognized by the PRC reside within mainland China and Taiwan, whose house are called the Taiwanese aborigines. The Republic of China (ROC) in Taiwan officially recognises 13 Taiwanese aborigine groups, while the PRC classifies them all as a single ethnic minority group, the Gaoshan.

Naming[edit] History of ethnicity in China[edit] Early history[edit] Ethnic Groups in China. Han Chinese The Han Chinese make up 91.9% of China's population.

Ethnic Groups in China

The Han people dominate all of China culturally and politically. Other Nationalities China's 55 recognized minority groups total about 8% of the nation's population. Major ethnic groups in China are: Zhuang Uigur Hui Yi Tibetan Miao Manchu Mongol Buyi Korean The majority of the population is of mixed Turkish descent. The Uigurs Over half of the Silk Road population is Uigur. Uigurs make their living through agriculture.

Sophisticated irrigation systems allowed the Uigur to live on the edges of the desert. The Kazak and Kyrgyz The Kazak and Kyrgyz are Nomadic people (estimated population in the region: 1,000,000 Kazak, 200,000 Kyrgyz). Southwest Largest of the minorities, the Zhuang share with the Dai (ethnic kin to the people of Thailand) common linguistic roots and a love of festival singing and dancing. Southeast Some minorities had been so absorbed that their status as separate peoples was nearly lost. South North Central Xinjiang. Chinese ethnic odyssey. HomeVideo ArchiveCultural HeritagePhotoLearn ChineseOpinion English >> PD Online Database >> Chinese ethnic odyssey Water-Splashing Festival of Dai Urtiin Duu - Traditional Folk Long Song As a ritual form of expression associated with important celebrations and festivities, Urtiin duu plays a distinct and honoured role in Mongolian society.

Chinese ethnic odyssey

Video Archive Lijiang: Naxi Minority Dali: Bai Minority Cultural Heritage Archive Send us your comments 80.94.16.* Water-Splashing Festiv... name. List of ethnic groups in China. Ethnolinguistic map of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan) Multiple ethnic groups populate China, where "China" is taken to mean areas controlled by either of the two states using "China" in their formal names, the People's Republic of China (China) and the Republic of China (Taiwan).

List of ethnic groups in China

The Han Chinese are the largest ethnic group, where some 91.59% [1] of the population was classified as Han Chinese (~1.2 billion). Besides the majority Han Chinese, 55 other ethnic groups are recognised in mainland China by the PRC government, numbering approximately 105 million people, mostly concentrated in the northwest, north, northeast, south, and southwest but with some in central interior areas.