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Blogging. 10 Simple Things to Make You Happier At Home. Our homes are an extension of who we are: what we do within the walls of our abodes shapes our mood, affects our productivity, and influences our outlook on life. Scientific studies have shown that we can have an impact on our happiness by adjusting the tiny little habits and routines that constitute our daily lives — we are, in fact, in control of our outlook on life.

It's amazing how a few tweaks to our daily habits can become a catalyst for meaningful, positive change. Here are a few simple things you can do every day to feel happier at home. 1.


Trips trips trips trips! Fairy Tales Can Come True. Here's a "photo story" based on the book, Fairy Tales Can Come True (Just Not Every Day!)

Fairy Tales Can Come True

, published by Shake It! Books. Things to do! :) Funny! Helen Fisher studies the brain in love.