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I.-A.Industrie - KAR Intelligent Computer. Tobii PCEye brings hands-free control to any PC, can't see eye-to-eye with Macs (update) Tobii Unveils Eye Control Device for Personal Computers The Ability to Control Any Computer Using Only Your Eyes is Now a Reality with Tobii PCEye Stockholm, Sweden & Dedham MA, USA; April 5th, 2011: Today, Tobii announced the release of the Tobii PCEye, the most advanced stand-alone eye control device on the market, bringing eye control to the standard computer.

It is easy to use, highly accurate and portable. It is compatible with a wide range of software for total access to any personal computer. Tobii PCEye flawlessly translates eye movement to a mouse cursor on a screen. It is primarily designed for those needing an alternative method for controlling a mouse and a computer, such as individuals suffering from impaired motor skills. By simply attaching the device to a computer screen and connecting the USB cable, users can control their entire computer through gazing, blinking or dwelling on an item with their eyes.

Students create affordable eye-tracking tablet for the disabled. Disabled users have long been able to control computers with just the flick of an eye, but those hardware and software packages are prohibitively expensive. Heck, the surprisingly accurate Tobii PCEye is a veritable steal at $6,900. And, while we can't vouch for its usability, engineering students at Brigham Young University have managed an impressive feat, by whipping up an eye-tracking Windows 7 tablet that costs under $1,500.

The system was created as part of a partnership with EyeTech Digital Systems, which plans to market the devices in parts of the world where other eye-tracking solutions are unaffordable -- like just about anywhere the roads aren't paved with gold. We could even see a few able-bodied (but incredibly lazy) bloggers getting some use out of this -- mornings around here would be a lot easier if we could double-fist piping hot coffee mugs while typing with our eyeballs.

Comments. The Social Web of Things. L'avenir de la réalité virtuelle ? Dans la lunette ! Laster Technologies propose une paire de lunettes qui affichent du contenu multimédia personnalisé et contextualisé, directement sur un verre. Cela afin de fournir des modules de formation in situ. Aider les employés du secteur médical ou de l’industrie à accéder aux informations plus facilement : par exemple dans un entrepôt industriel, pendant une opération de maintenance ou de chirurgie. Telle est la mission de Laster Technologies. La société, incubée par le CNRS, et présente au Laval Virtual, a développé une paire de lunettes reliée à un boîtier multimédia portable, permettant de visualiser du contenu riche, personnalisé et contextualisé. Cela, sur l'un des verres (un dioptre). Le but : permettre de voir du contenu en relation avec son environnement, tout en gardant l’usage de ses mains puisque le dispositif reconnaît voix et mouvements. Selon les responsables du projet, il suffit de chausser la paire de lunettes.

Projection Usages multiples. 3D Projection Cube - HoloAd - Hacked Gadgets - DIY Tech Blog. 就怕你想不到!本周新奇产品新鲜出炉-新奇产品-数码. 有人说,人最大的恐惧是未知。 我不知道这句话是不是放之四海而皆准,但是我知道每个人都有对未来的美好期待,除非你天生是风一般的忧郁男子(或女子)。 人最大的恐惧是:未知 未来因为有太多的不确定,所以每个人相像的美好未来都有可能实现,而且绝大多数时候未来都会给你意料不到的惊喜或悲哀,对于日新月异的生活产品,尤其是对IT产品来说更是如此。 奇怪的想法构成了创意 那么本周小编带来的新产品则一如既往的令人惊奇,因为世界上总有那么一小撮人脑袋里充满了奇怪的想法,这些想法被一些人称之为“创意”。 对于电脑的发展方向,目前来说只有两个,一个是变得越来越大(采用更多数量的CPU核心),一个是越来越小(逐渐平板化、便携化),下面我们来看一下来自SONY的新一代概念电脑是什么样子。 相信看到这款新概念电脑,你一定会瞠目不已了吧,那炫酷的设计,尤其是可以戴在手上当手表的功能,让人不禁想起SONY那款可以绑在胳膊上的运动型MP3。 Human-Computer Interaction in SciFi Movies - part4.

Human-Computer Interaction in SciFi Movies - part3. Human-Computer Interaction in SciFi Movies - part2. Human-Computer Interaction in SciFi Movies - part1. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) by John M. Carroll. Vidéo : Hiro III, un robot hyptique et une interface tactile en trois dimensions. VirDSE Hand Tool - VR Operability Verification System : DigInfo. Interactive 3D theater, using body movement in 3D space : DigInfo. Flamboyant gloves make for an interesting interface design breakthrough.

XIO ForceTek. Mouseless: un futur sans souris ? Un étudiant en doctorat au MIT Media Lab, Pranav Mistry, vient d'inventer une souris invisible qui reprend les mouvements de la main ainsi que des doigts pour simuler la présence du périphérique. Le projet Mouseless est très intéressant, de plus les composants utilisés sont peu onéreux puisque le coût, hors logiciel, serait d'à peine plus de 20€. Pour ce qui est du fonctionnement, un laser infrarouge est positionné sur le côté droit de la machine et permet donc d'illuminer la surface de déplacement de la main.

Il est couplé à une caméra à infrarouge filmant les mouvements afin de les transmettre au logiciel qui les traduira ensuite en commandes. De cette façon, il est possible de guider le curseur et d'utiliser l'index en tant que clic gauche, puis pour un clic droit, le majeur. Real Life Version of Minority Report’s User Interface | Hack N M. CyberWalk: a giant omni-directional walking platform for virtual.

AirSwing : Toshiba dévoile son système de contrôle à la Minority. Microsoft’s manual deskterity combines pen and touch on a single. April 10th, 2010 by Paul Strauss While I’ve been getting used to the touch-only display on my new iPad, I have to say that I really wish I could use both my fingers and a pen for doing things like taking free-form notes. I’ve ordered one of those capacitive styli for the pad, but it’s clear that the iPhone/iPad OS was designed for fingers, not pens. The guys over at Microsoft Research have been working on a unique interface designed to simultaneously work with both finger and pen input.

The “Manual Deskterity” project was built as a custom app running on the Microsoft Surface platform, and offer seamless integration of touch and pen-based inputs that look perfect for drafting and design applications. The team believes that by combining pen and touch, new gestures and modes of interaction can come to light, such as using one hand to drag an object, and the pen to slice objects with a virtual X-Acto knife. Check out the video clip below to see just how intuitive the interface seems to be: Brailect Interprets Conventional Text Into Braille Or Audio For. So Touch Presentation.