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Disruptive technology for filming: Eric Austin's amazing Heli Video. It's a miracle that ESPN somehow talked technology-averse FIFA into letting them rig up the Skycam, the zooming overhead camera, over the matches.

Disruptive technology for filming: Eric Austin's amazing Heli Video

As we wrote in an earlier post, Skycam requires quite a bit of set-up involving cables and CNC spools. Then we come across this: RC pilot and videographer Eric Austin has rigged up Heli Video, a remote-control helicopter with a gimbal holding a Canon 5D or 7D which can downlink live video to a shooter on the ground. Iron Man 2: The Making of Iron Man’s Armor - Screen Rant.

Hoverboard - Le hoverboard de Retour vers le futur II est devenu. Iron Man 2 Arc Reactor Shirt.