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My thoughts on The Morrigan. Recently, I came across a debate on about the Morrigan and what kind of goddess she "really" was.

My thoughts on The Morrigan

This reminded me of something that happened to me several months before, when I was having dinner one evening with a few friends, some Pagan and some not. I began talking with one of them asking her how a shamanistic experience she had recently done had gone and she replied by saying that it had been interesting. She then told me she had been chatting with the Morrigan and that my name had come up! Now since I hadn't had any experiences with the Morrigan and had known her to be clearly a "war and death goddess," I was thinking, "hmmmm now why am I getting a bit nervous right now? " Heron's Dance Pad. The Morrigan. Morrighan. Mazrin_PaganismeSombre-Morrigna. CREATIVE COMMONS « Paternité - Pas d’utilisation com-merciale - Pas de modification » 2.0 FranceVous êtes libres : De reproduire, distribuer et communiquer cette création au public.


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