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Sign up (freebie) by Dylan Opet. Php - How to invite a users friends to an event? Facebook Graph API. Facebook api for invite friends. Group. An app that created an app or game group can update that groups cover photo: POST /{group-id} HTTP/1.1 Host: cover_url=new-photo-url.jpg /* make the API call */ $response = $facebook->api( "/{group-id}", "POST", array ( 'cover_url' => 'new-photo-url.jpg', ) ); /* handle the result */ Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("cover_url", "new-photo-url.jpg"); /* make the API call */ new Request( session, "/{group-id}", params, HttpMethod.POST, new Request.Callback() { public void onCompleted(Response response) { /* handle the result */ } } ).executeAsync(); curl -X POST \ -d "cover_url=new-photo-url.jpg" \ Permissions An app access token of the app that created the group is required.

Fields Response If the update is successful true, otherwise an error message. Search. All nodes and edges in the Graph API can be read simply with an HTTP GET request to the relevant endpoint. For example, if you wanted to retrieve information about the current user, you would make an HTTP GET request as below: GET /me HTTP/1.1Host: /* make the API call */ $response = $facebook->api( "/me");/* handle the result */ /* make the API call */ FB.api( "/me", function (response) { if (response && ! /* make the API call */[FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:@"/me" parameters:nil HTTPMethod:@"GET" completionHandler:^( FBRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error ) { /* handle the result */ }]; /* make the API call */new Request( session, "/me", null, HttpMethod.GET, new Request.Callback() { public void onCompleted(Response response) { /* handle the result */ } }).executeAsync(); curl Most API calls must be signed with an access token.

GET /me/photos Choosing Fields GET /bgolub? Events - Batch API, inviting friends. Formation et tutoriel - Open Graph Facebook et Custom actions. FB.Event.subscribe. These are two events that are fired when a person's authentication state changes. These events are generally more useful than the auth.login and auth.logout events since they more closely track state and also work with both the JS SDK and the Facebook Login button. If you have a page that has code that listens for these events, you are likely to receive these events during page load. auth.authResponseChange The auth.authResponseChanged event is fired when the auth response has changed.

The authResponse is part of the response object that's returned when querying the state of a person's authentication status. It contains the person's access token, when the token will expire and the person's user ID. This event is most useful for tracking changes to a person's access token. For more information about the auth response object, please see the documentation in FB.getLoginStatus(). auth.statusChange fired when the status changes (see FB.getLoginStatus for additional information on what this means)