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Platform Policies. We can analyze your app, website, content, and data for any purpose, including commercial.

Platform Policies

We can monitor or collect data related to your use of SDKs.We will use information we receive from you or in connection with your Platform integration in accordance with our Data Policy.You give us all rights necessary to use any API, SDK, or other technology you provide us to enable your app or bot to work, including the right to incorporate information you provide to us into other parts of Facebook, and the right to attribute the source of information using your name or logos.We may share your contact info with people who want to contact you.We may use your name, logos, content, and information, including materials you submit for review, screenshots and video captures of your app and your Facebook Page, for distribution, marketing, and promotional purposes, to demonstrate or feature your use of Facebook, worldwide and royalty-free in all formats and media.

Apps on To drive more traffic to apps on Facebook, we enable various channels that enable new users to discover your app as well as existing users to re-engage with your app.

Apps on

Each channel is designed to help engage users and our algorithms help surface the best content for each user. The current channels include: Newsfeed stories The News Feed is shown immediately to users upon logging into Facebook, making it core to the Facebook experience. Discovery stories. Authentification - Développeurs Facebook. Extended Permissions - Développeurs Facebook. As a general rule, the more permissions an app requests, the less likely it is that people will use Facebook to log into your app.

Extended Permissions - Développeurs Facebook

In fact, our research shows that apps that ask for more than four permissions experience a significant drop off in the number of completed logins. Additionally publishing permissions (publish_actions) will prompt a second step in the Login dialog, which can cause fewer people to log in: Here are a few guidelines to use when asking for permissions, both during and after login: Only ask for the permissions that are essential to an app.Ask for permission in the context in which they are required. For example, if your app wants to show places of interest near a person's home, asking for user_location just prior to displaying that information would give the person a greater understanding of why the permission is being requested.Use any available public profile information before asking for a permission.