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10 Free Online Courses That Can Benefit Every Entrepreneur. Every entrepreneur can benefit from continued education.

10 Free Online Courses That Can Benefit Every Entrepreneur

Whether you are just starting out and handling multiple roles within your company or an experienced business owner -- enrolling in an online course is always a good way to improve your knowledge and has never been easier or more affordable. Long gone are the days of taking evening classes at local colleges and paying tuition. You can now take excellent courses in the comfort of your own home for free. Here are ten free online courses that every entrepreneur can benefit from. 1. 21 Critical Lessons for Entrepreneurs This two-hour video course by Docstoc CEO Jason Nazar takes his real-world experience and breaks it into several video lessons that discuss all the important steps of running a successful business, from vetting an idea and raising money from investors to scaling and growth strategies. There are a lot of coaching and training programs online that are put together by individuals that don’t have real business experience. 2.

Learn Growth Hacking through this online tutorial. Are you at a startup or thinking of starting one?

Learn Growth Hacking through this online tutorial.

Are you struggling with the question of how to quickly build a user base for your product? Do you have no money to spend on marketing? This class is for you. In the past few years, a handful of people have emerged that have been able to hack growth for products, growing them from 0 to 10+ million users in a matter of months with little to no marketing (read lean marketing). They call themselves "growth hackers" and they built companies like Facebook, Dropbox, Zynga, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Appsumo to where they are today. 18 Tips on How to Sell More. Business Tools and Tips, Features, Marketing September 15, 2014 There are lots of times that we are happy and proud of our products, and everyone else is happy for us, but we just can’t seem to sell.

18 Tips on How to Sell More

You get stumped on what to do. You thought people liked your product. After all, you get lots of replies on its social media accounts. What are you doing wrong? Derek Halpern has a great Youtube channel on multiple facets of entrepreneurship and a playlist on how to sell more. 1. Neilmoralee When selling something, good entrepreneurs know to state what good things the product can do and bring to the customer. 2. I wrote about the evils of discounts some time ago. 3. I can’t tell you how many books I’ve seen this tip in, yet a lot of us seem to forget it. 4. Melodramababs When you start out, maybe you’ve got a bundle of self-doubt. Advertising, Marketing, & Sales Terms and Definitions. Graphic Design Blender. The Designer's Survival Guide - Edited & Curated by Richard Baird. Posted: | Author: Richard Baird | Filed under: Design Survival | 0 Comments A guide to help new designers present their work to clients verbally, visually, on and offline.

The Designer's Survival Guide - Edited & Curated by Richard Baird

Advice provided by international industry professionals, edited and curated by Richard Baird. Avoid fillers. Stand Out with Inbound Marketing. I recently received this inquiry on my contact page.

Stand Out with Inbound Marketing

I think the question below is one that many freelance and small businesses grapple with. We are a small group of young passionate people with fresh ideas and unique designs. Our main focus is to provide good and efficient service to our clients.We create Art services – vector artwork, re-creation, re-drawing, re-sizing, design from brief etc, Digitizing – Embroidery designing, Website designing and development, Catalogue and Brochure designs, Virtual Samples and paper proofs, Image Editing – Color Correction, Restoration, Retouching etc, Clipping paths (cut outs)Can you suggest how to approach client or bring leads..

Since there is a lot of competition in the market.. How i can stand out from rest of the other companies…Thanks,Jaya…. Tips for How to do Self Marketing Online as a Freelancer  This is a guest post by Claudia, if you want to guest post on this blog, please contact us.

Tips for How to do Self Marketing Online as a Freelancer 

Opportunities for freelance writers are limitless even though there seem to be some struggle going on in the traditional publishing industry. The time is right for freelance writers because many well based publications want people who can write good contents for them. The writing field may be very competitive but as long as you have good writing skill, there are tons of jobs asking for the take. 4 tactics for marketing your art online without spending a dime. This article is part of a Work It Weekly newsletter that was sent out to all subscribers.

4 tactics for marketing your art online without spending a dime

To find out more and get actionable tasks on creative entrepreneurship in your inbox weekly, sign up at the bottom of this post. When it comes to marketing your art online, doing it in a creative way and without spending any money will get you the same, and sometimes even better, results as with expensive advertising campaigns. Back in the old days when the internet wasn’t around, you’d either spend a big chunk of your budget on PR campaigns and newspaper ads or creatively market your art throughout your own local community.

And while all of this has migrated to the online world as well, even more opportunities have made their appearance. Let’s explore four marketing tactics that won’t cost you any money. Contests and give-aways If you have some smaller or old works of art that have no particular purpose, you could consider using them to market your portfolio website or blog. 8 Creative Marketing Twists to Make Your Small Business Stand Out. It's a boggling year for marketing, isn't it?

8 Creative Marketing Twists to Make Your Small Business Stand Out

New social-media platforms seem to be springing up like mushrooms, mobile is exploding. . . it's hard to know where to focus your marketing time and dollars. Everywhere I turn lately, I've come across tips for how to do innovative marketing this year. So I've collected a short list of my favorite tips. Here are eight ideas for giving your marketing effort a boost: 1. 6 ways to make your design look more professional.