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How to Digg up juicy .gov and .edu backlinks that stick. 5Share I was just sitting here going through the monotonous exhilarating task of building backlinks to my niche site (Best Baby Car Seats & Covers Here Folks!) When it occurred to me that this little trick I use is not something I have shared with you, so I set about to remedy that – and here is said remedy We all want backlinks obviously, but what we all really want are the ones that end in .gov or .edu. The best way to find these links is to spy on your competition and find out where they are obtaining them from, but I have a much simpler way of finding them. And the best thing about this method is that you literally build your backlink right there and then, move on and do it again. You Need to Digg them Up For todays lesson I ask that you open your Browsers at, because this is where the magic happens 1:) First we simply go to the search bar in the top right and type in the kind of link we want followed by ‘profile ‘. 4:) Bingo!

Here is the resulting link – Happy days. New Google SEO Starter Guide Published: Perfect for Beginners. For all the naysayers who were so sure that Google Instant was the death of SEO (and those before them who thought the "Mayday" update was the death of SEO and so on and so forth), Google has once again made it blatantly clear that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) isn't going anywhere.

Almost two years to the month, Google has just published a fresh new starter guide to SEO. Via Matt Cutts' Twitter: Having combed through it, I can definitely say that this guide beats the pants off of the previous guide and is worth a glance even to seasoned SEOs (even if just for checking up on how Google currently views SEO)! For those of you who are interested in taking on SEO yourself or getting into SEO in general, this new guide provides you with plenty of content and action items to start working on. There's a lot that I could discuss based on that list above, but I'm not going to delve into any specifics since they're all freely available in the document. 12 Days of Christmas Internet Marketing Roundup. Everyone knows the Twelve Days of Christmas song.

Many different products and brands have put their own spin on these twelve days of gifts throughout the years, but no gift is better than free advice. Internet marketers and Search and Social people have published helpful holiday lists on their own, but what about a “Twelve Days of Twelve Days of Internet Marketing” list? Here we have compiled some of the best “Twelve Days” posts from around the Web: 1.’s 12 Days of Marketing Content creation and management agency CopyPress gives us 12 Days of Marketing; a well-rounded and detailed list of marketing guidelines. 2. Outspoken Media provides readers with its 12 Days of SEO, where each member of their team offers their favorite SEO tip, tool or method. 3. provides some holiday comic relief with their The 12 Days of Christmas: Website Disaster Style blog post. 4. 5. Although it’s from last year, Brand-Yourself’s 12 Days of Social Media is still relevant and useful. 6. 7. DIY Website Promotion | How to Create and Submit Websites to Search Engines like Google | Free Site Submission | Website Ranking | Do It Yourself. If you want more people to visit your website, you need to know how to make your website search engine friendly, and then submit your URL to all the major search engines. This site is devoted to teaching you how to do it yourself, cheaply, effectively, and with a minimum of hassle. has been providing the basic facts about website promotion in two centuries (barely!). Here you will find all the information you need, plus some nifty automatic submission tools that will help you get the job done quickly, efficiently, and most of all, properly! If you invest a little time into reading and using this resource, you'll not only do a much better job of promoting your site, but save yourself a lot of time and effort in the process -- not to mention, you'll avoid the costly traps that most newbie webmasters fall into.

Important note: the search engine landscape has changed radically in the many years since I first created this site. I run this site in a totally different way. 15 Must-Know Facts on How People View Websites. Do you know what is the first thing that your eye is drawn to on a website? And in what pattern do people scan your website? There have been many eyetracking tests on this subject and I’ll give you 15 most useful facts you should know. The picture below shows 3 different websites and where people look on them.

Red indicates the area, where people looked the most, yellow areas got a bit less eye-action, blue areas got the least views and the gray areas, well, people didn’t focus on them at all. As you can see, the more people scroll down, the more they lose focus and start mainly scanning your website. So always try to place the most important information in the top part of your website. Here are the 15 facts you should know on how people view websites.

Text attracts more attention than pictures. There you go. Sources: BBC News | directcreative | GoogleBlog. How To Build / Increase Web Traffic Part 1 - Long Tail Keyword Strategy. When people talking about keyword research, they will go directly to Google keyword tool and start picking the most traffic keyword with rather high SEO competition, that's the main reason for failure! When picking the right keyword, we have to consider 3 factors: 1. Keyword search volume 2. SEO competition 3. A) Research keyword - Least valuable, they present an introduction of a topic, something we start to learn about a topic. b) Problem / Solution keyword - When there are not many free solutions out there, the problem & solution keyword will become a valuable opt-in keyword. C) Buying keyword - This include the product name, solution or cure for a particular problem, people are ready to buy at this stage, this is the gold mine of all keywords!

When we build a website, we want to start with the Problem / Solution & Buying keywords, research keywords are a waste of time! Ok, let's take a look at what I mean: First, we expand the keyword from the topic - "Weight Loss". [/b] Research Keyword. What Everyone Should Know About Website Statistics - 5 Tips plus Bonus. I have been talking to a lot of b2b marketing people lately about their Internet marketing programs. One of the first questions I ask is "What are the most important statistics you track for your website?

" The answers are sometimes surprising. About 40% of the time I hear "we don't really get any stats, we just know that sometimes people look at the website and call us. " Another 40% of the time I hear "we get lots of statistics from [blank], but we really don't focus on a couple of them, we look at a lot of things" where [blank] is WebTrends, Google Analytics, Web Side Story, or another very detailed website analysis package. Only about 20% of the time do I hear the right answer, which is "we track a few key statistics on a regular basis which are... " I will also show you the charts that we use at HubSpot to evaluate these statistics over time. 1) Visitors (new and repeat). This graph shows New Visitors, Repeat Visitors and Leads 2) Leads. 3) Conversion Rate. 4) Website Grade. Six statistics you need to check regularly in Google Analytics. Using tools like Google Analytics it's possible to understand how effective your website is.

Website stastic tools provide a wealth of information, so much so that sometimes you can feel lost in the details. If you just want a very quick overview of how effective your website is, what are the key statistics to look at? The following statistics are what we consider to be the most important stats to quickly check, month to month, to see how a website is performing: Unique visitors - The number of individual visitors that have visited the website.Visits - The number of visits made by all visitors (if a visitor re-visits the website they are counted again).Average number of pages per visit - The average number of pages each visitor looked at (page views).Average time on site - The average time in minutes that the visitor was on the website.Source - A breakdown of where the visitors come from. Do you think that these 6 statistics are effective in giving a quick idea of website performance? Seven Important Website Traffic Stats to Watch. Six Web Metrics / KPI's To Die For.