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Conferences. La quatrième conférence UrbanTrends a eu lieu le 20 mars 2014 au Palais de Tokyo avec un sujet dédié aux nouveaux modes de vie dans les villes : Habiter et cohabiter, Enjeux et évolutions. Un mode de vie c'est quoi exactement? Rappel de définitions, d'inspirations et d'enjeux des styles de vie aujourd'hui. Révolution numérique et transformations structurelles des organisations : où et comment travaillerons nous demain? Le developpement responsable 2.0 : Beeotop, Un nouveau style de vie "engagé" dans les bureaux?

T3: L’INFLUENCE DE L’HOTELLERIE SUR l’HABITAT DU FUTUR L'inspiration des nouveaux concepts hôteliers. Chris Younes, Docteur en philosophie, Ghislain Grimm, Directeur Pôle consulting R&D chez AOS Studley, François Garreau, Responsable RSE de Generali France, Daniel Lellouche, CEO de Workshop, Virginie Gailing, designer stratégique et Judith Darmont Vidéo Artiste sont intervenus le 20 mars dernier au cours de cette réunion ayant réunit plus d'une centaine de participants. Adeline Attia. Resilient Cities - ICLEI: Resilient Cities 2013. Cities 2030: A Conference on Urban Futures. The University of Miami Urban Studies Program (College of Arts & Sciences) and School of Architecture will be hosting a one-day mini-conference titled “Cities 2030″ covering the topic of urban futures. Twelve renowned international scholars and architects will discuss and reflect on the future of cities and urban sustainability in 2030.

Cities and regions to be discussed include Accra, Ghana; Dubai, UAE; Mumbai, India; Beijing, China; New York, USA; Nairobi, Kenya; and our own Miami, USA; among others. The all-day program runs from 8:30am-5:30pm. The keynote speaker will be Professor Alejandro Portes, co-author of City on the Edge: The Transformation of Miami. There will also be an evening event at 6:00pm featuring a talk by Shohei Shigematsu, Architect and Partner at OMA/AMO, based out of Rotterdam, NY, USA. The entire event is free and open to the public. Spaces are limited and allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

University of Miami School of Architecture Glasgow Hall. World Habitat Day. MIPIM-The international real estate show for professionals - mipim. | Create and Promote Understanding of Human Settlement Issues in a Changing World. Innovative City Convention » International convention for intelligent and sustainable cities.