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Theravada. Theravāda (Sanskrit: स्थविरवाद) is a branch of Buddhism that uses the teaching of the Pāli Canon, a collection of the oldest recorded Buddhist texts, as its doctrinal core, but also includes a rich diversity of traditions and practices that have developed over its long history of interactions with various cultures and communities.


It is the dominant form of religion in Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Burma, and is practiced by minority groups in Vietnam, Bangladesh, and China. In addition, the diaspora of all of these groups as well as converts around the world practice Theravāda Buddhism. Adherents[edit] Theravāda Buddhism is followed by various countries and people around the globe, and are: Today, Theravāda Buddhists, otherwise known as Theravadins, number over 150 million worldwide, and during the past few decades Theravāda Buddhism has begun to take root in the West[a] and in the Buddhist revival in India.

History[edit] Origins[edit] Transmission to Sri Lanka[edit] [edit] [edit] Access to Insight. Mindfulness In Plain English. A PDF preview from the 20th edition - Click Here Special Offer - 20% Off the latest edition / The 20th Anniversary Edition - eBook or paperback / See Below "Mindfulness in Plain English" has been on a while now for free download, but the edition I posted years ago was the first edition and is now rather dated.

Mindfulness In Plain English

Over the last few months I have been in contact with the publisher at Wisdom Publications about M.I.P.E... I have come to understand any money that would have gone to Wisdom Publications (a non-profit publisher of Buddhist books) and the author Ven. Henepola Gunaratana to support his Buddhist Center the Bhavana Society, is forever lost. I think supporting both Wisdom Publications and Ven. " Wisdom Publications and have joined forces to offer a 20% discount code - UDMIP- on the New Edition of "Mindfulness in Plain English" which can be applied to both the 'paperback and eBook' version at check out, on the Wisdom Publications website... Peace... The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation. The following text is based upon a talk given by Mr.

The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation

S.N. Goenka in Berne, Switzerland. Everyone seeks peace and harmony, because this is what we lack in our lives. From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, dishar­mony. And when we suffer from these miseries, we don't keep them to ourselves; we often distribute them to others as well. We ought to live at peace with ourselves, and at peace with others. In order to be relieved of our misery, we have to know the basic reason for it, the cause of the suffering. How do we start generating negativity? Now, one way to solve this problem is to arrange that nothing unwanted happens in life, that everything keeps on happening exactly as we desire. This solution was helpful; it worked. Other explorers of inner truth went still further in their search and, by experiencing the reality of mind and matter within themselves, recognized that diverting the attention is only running away from the problem. Vipassana is such a remedy. Vipassana Meditation Website.

Forest Monks