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StudioMK27 – Marcio Kogan. METRO ARQUITETOS. Oscar niemeyer. Oscar Niemeyer. Interview By Santiago Fernandez-Stelley Photo By Andre Vieira Drawings By Oscar Niemeyer Translated By Daniella Diniz and Danilo Matz Oscar Niemeyer is on the infinitesimally short list of people who have designed and built an entire city. A world capital. Sure, Haussmann made Paris into the postcard background it is today and Wren rebuilt London after the Great Fire (by not building everything out of wood—good thinking!).

But it’s not like they were lacking in usable models on which to base their work, considering those cities were already functioning metropolises before they got the re-up. That was 50 years ago, and Niemeyer has been working nonstop ever since. Living for a century has given him a lot of perspective, as in, “architecture-can’t-give-meaning-to-your-life” perspective. Vice: Let’s start with an easy one. Oscar Niemeyer: I think that drawing drove me to it. And how did you come to build Brasília? An entire city was built so quickly. Let’s change the subject then. MMBB. Vazio s/a escritório de arquitetura.