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#42 – BuyPacker – Free online ticketing. Who ? BuyPacker, a groupon-like website dedicated to French students. What’s the utility ? BuyPacker has set up an online ticketing platform, available to student associations in the French schools and universities. Each and every organization can therefore create – for free – a customized online ticketing system.The aim for BuyPacker is to get people browse the website, looking at deals and offers.

Tagged: brand, brand utility, buypacker, french, group buying, utility. Patagonia Asks Its Customers To Buy Less. Many consumer goods companies have environmental initiatives. Think of Dell's e-waste recycling program, for example. Or P&G's commitment to 100 percent renewable energy. Or the Chevy Volt, even. But, as laudable as these are, you might argue that they are secondary to a larger problem. All these companies still want us to buy more products. If a consumer goods company truly wanted to be sustainable, they might suggest that we consume a little less, or at least price their goods at a cost that reflects their true impact. Which is a crazy idea, of course. Patagonia, for one. "We realized that what was really needed was a mutual responsibility between company and customer for the full lifecycle of stuff," Rick Ridgeway, Patagonia's environment VP.

As part of its Common Threads scheme, Patagonia offers to repair its clothes (for a "reasonable" fee) on a 10-day turnaround. "I have zero budget to do any kind of customer survey. "We want to challenge other businesses too. Shadow-Activated QR Code Actually Useful and Cool. For all the talk of mobile-marketing tech, there remains a pretty wide gap between the potential and the practicality of QR codes. That's why it's nice to see this case study from Korea, where a retailer increased lunchtime sales by 25 percent with a shadow-based QR code that's only scannable in the middle of the day. Emart's "Sunny Sale" codes are created with three-dimensional displays outside several dozen locations in Seoul. When the sun is at its zenith, the shadows line up, allowing the code to be scanned for access to coupons and online ordering.

It's a smart idea that, in the short term at least, has generated plenty of strong PR and sales. Audace - La prime matinale de Starbucks. Publié le 06 mai 2012 Et si se lever le matin d'un coup, sans avoir la tentation de se recoucher 5 minutes, était récompensé par une belle carotte? Deux étudiants de la Berghs School of Communication de Stockholm proposent à Starbucks une application qui ne devrait pas laisser insensible le cafetier.. Un bon café ne fait pas que vous réveiller, il vous sort aussi du lit: la tagline résume parfaitement l’esprit de l’application conçue par Mate Nagy et Jesper Eriksson, étudiants en communication interactive dans la capitale suédoise. Baptisé «Early Bird», (prime au premier), le projet fait du réveil non plus un ennemi, mais une opportunité de cadeau.

Le principe d’Early Bird? Pour le roi mondial du café, l’application peut non seulement servir de fantastique outil de fidélisation, mais également lui permettre de lier son produit à un acte quotidien qui touche chaque être humain. Gaël Clouzard Rubrique réalisée en partenariat avec Uniteam Source: @so_particular.