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Linenlaid&felt. Mark Cockram Books - Profile. "Morris Cox: A Note of Introduction" Birgit Dalum - forside. Studio 5 Book Arts. I have just realised that I have offered lots of images of how I cover books, decorative techniques and the like.

Studio 5 Book Arts

However that is only half the story. What happens beneath the skin is as important, one could argue more so as the structure of the book must be sound. By that I mean that if the structure is defective, it does not matter what the finished look of the book is like as it will either not function correctly and in some cases fall apart. I would like to offer an introduction in one of the methods of making a book employed in studio 5. I apologise if some of the terminology is unfamiliar and that I take for granted that you will have some existing knowledge. The binding we shall be looking at is in 1/4 leather with leather jointed made end papers. We will take it that we have made our hooked on end papers, trimmed to size with waste sheet. Once sewn, the text block is knocked up to head and spine and placed in a finishing press with working boards. End banding, enough said.

Make Cool Little Booklets With Your Computer. The Lifehacker blog highlighted a website today that showed you how to create an 8 page personal finance booklet.

Make Cool Little Booklets With Your Computer

Print out the PDF document, fold and cut as directed, and voila – instant booklet! This is cool! While I don’t really need the FILO booklet itself, the idea of being able to make cool little booklets with a printer and some origami trick folding really got my brain racing. Imagine making little customized reference booklets or a small story booklet as a gift. You could keep your kids busy for a while making little booklet projects to share with family and friends. But, what got me really thinking, is the idea of making little booklets based on content generated on the websites I work on and making them available for people to download. I Googled around and found these sites that use the same basic paper folding booklet concept: There were a couple software packages out there that would layout the content for printing, but they are Mac only and I’m a PC guy.

The Go-To Guy P.S. Origami Mini-Booklets From a Single Sheet of Paper. Bookbinding. BookBinding. Bookbinding. Bookbinding. Creating Books. Hand bookbinding resources. Coptic Stitch « Lili's Bookbinding Blog. (The book above is currently available in my Etsy Shop) This book is a coptic book made to look like a Japanese Stab binding.

Coptic Stitch « Lili's Bookbinding Blog

Because it was made as a wedding gift, I wanted it to open flat the way a coptic opens, but because the bride and groom had both spent time in Japan, I wanted to style it as a Japanese binding. The solution was to have Japanese-style stitching through the board as ornament, but not through the actual text block. (The book is available for sale at my Etsy Shop) Like this: Like Loading... Bookbinding. Paperama – Blog on paper, patterns and bookbinding. Bookbinding. Bookbinding.