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I spread your idea because... Après les réseaux sociaux, la présence. 5 Ways Small Businesses Can Avoid Social Media Panic. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. The notion of getting into social media might seem overwhelming for any small business. Spending time upfront before launch to create a plan with goals that includes how to translate that social media presence into dollars will go a long way toward achieving success. Nine percent of small and medium-sized businesses use Twitter to market their businesses, according to the latest wave of BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor study.

And 32 percent of those businesses said they plan to include social media in their marketing plans in the next 12 months by using a page on a social site such as Facebook, LinkedIn or MySpace. Here are some tips to help avoid panic when thinking about launching a presence on social media platforms. 1. Don’t just get on the social media bandwagon because everyone else is doing it. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why Social Media Isn't for Everyone. Joshua-Michéle Ross is SVP of Digital Strategy with Fleishman Hillard and an O'Reilly Radar blogger. Social media has a loyal tribe of disciples. We follow each other on Twitter, connect on Facebook, read each other’s blogs and listen to each other at conferences. We provide each other moral support and though we are a minority, we have religion and we are here to change the world (I’m not joking). Most importantly, we share stories. In this giant food-mill of collective meaning making we are defining the significance of new terms and putting our arguments to the test.

So let me be the first to tell you: Social media may not be for you — yet. Are You Willing to Act? One of the most common issues big organizations have with social media is a reasonable fear that customers will air their grievances on a company-sponsored platform such as a blog, Twitter or Facebook page. The hackneyed “you better join the conversation” is often an appropriate response. Be Prepared to Change. Les 100 plus grosses entreprises mondiales sont utilisatrices de.

Gossip Guy. Certains journalistes reprenaient la semaine dernière un article publié dans Libération. D’après Andréa Fradin, les réseaux sociaux auraient laminé les blogs. Ainsi une étude du « Pew Research Center » aurait-ele révélé que la jeunesse américaine se détournait en masse des blogs pour principalement se diriger vers Facebook. D’après le quotidien, et selon cette analyse, le nombre des 12-17 ans actifs sur un blog s’est réduit de moitié en seulement trois ans.

La journaliste a souhaité enquêter en profondeur sur la mise en bière des blogs à papa par les Facebook juvéniles ou les Twitter technophiles. Premier exemple, le grand, l’unique, le sexy, l’inénarrable Loic Lemeur. Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’un article est consacré à la mort supposée des blogs. D’autres se sont laissés piéger par l’appât du gain, même très modeste. L’article de Libération est conclu de la façon suivante: « Reste que de nombreux blogueurs mettent la clé sous la porte. Allo la terre, ici Soyouz. Gossip Guy.