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Blended Learning Research

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Teachers Share Sweet 'Blended' Recipes. Cookbooks save lives. Seriously. Before codified culinary knowledge, humans had to experiment by digesting mixtures of random artifacts, discovering their gastro-intestinal effects through trial, error and death. Thankfully, somewhere along the way, homo sapiens started collecting step-by-step recipes to avoid heartburn and poison, eventually yielding straight-up gustatory delight to the point that you can now walk down any city street in America and order a Boston Cream. I think the cookbook is a great model for what early blended schools could be doing for teachers as we learn what works and what doesn’t. This approximates the thinking behind Mission Dolores Academy and St.

At both schools, we found it was easy to come up with ideas for using technology to differentiate or motivate, but when we tried to apply these ideas, the clunkiness of the available digital content programs posed frustrating obstacles, each one causing our already time-stretched teachers a lot of heartburn. 1. 2.

8 Education Technology Books Every Leader Should Read. BlendedLearning_Guide.

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Blend My Learning Homepage and Blog. Blend my Learning Resources. Lots of Resources | Maximize Potential by Scott Benson. Educause K-12 Blended Research. EDUCAUSE Library Items for K-12 Two K-12 Grantees Recently Featured on Getting Smart blog March 13, 2014 At first glance, Piedmont City Schools in rural Alabama and New York City’s Brooklyn Laboratory Charter School may not appear to have much in common. The former is a rural district working to b… Next Gen Tools: Activate Instruction February 3, 2014 This innovation brief from Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) focuses on Summit Public Schools' co-development of Activate Instruction-- a free, open, online site for curricula… Activate Instruction Helps Summit Public Schools Personalize Learning February 6, 2014 NGLC has embarked upon a new publication series, Next Gen Tools .

December 5, 2013 The Workshop School is a high school run in partnership between a nonprofit and the School District of Philadelphia. KIPP Bay Area Schools: KIPP San Francisco College Preparatory A new charter school, KIPP SF College Prep is the first KIPP high school in the nation to adopt blended learning. Blended Learning Now- Research and news about BL.