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European Commission: CORDIS: FP7. Eco-innovation. The projects are selected through annual calls for proposals. They receive grants covering up to 50% of the eligible project costs. The money can be used to fund actions including equipment and infrastructure as well as materials, processes, techniques and methods linked with the innovative action.

The Eco-innovation initiative is for organisations that have developed an environmental product, service, management practice or process which has a proven track record, yet is not fully marketed due to residual risks. It helps participants overcome those barriers to further market penetration and turn these products and processes into Europe's future eco-innovation successes.

In order to meet the objectives of CIP Eco-innovation, your project will have to: Applying for funding Applicants have to reply to an official 'call for proposals' which is published annually by the EACI on this website. Call for proposals 2013 Check if the initiative is suitable for you. European Commission - Programme Guide eac.

What was it? The Youth in Action Programme, which ran from 2007 to 2013, aimed to inspire a sense of active citizens, solidarity, and tolerance among young Europeans, as well as involve them in shaping the future of the European Union. Following on from the YOUTH Programme (2000-2006), Youth in Action promoted mobility, non-formal learning, intercultural dialogue, and inclusion, primarily among people aged 15-28. What did it involve? With a budget of €885 million for its seven year duration, the Youth in Action programme set out to achieve five main objectives, tackled through five main actions: Progress was regularly reviewed, with results published on the website of the Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive Agency What did it achieve?

The programme is estimated to have supported around 8,000 projects and provided opportunities and experiences to around 150,000 young people and youth workers every year. An evaluation of the programme (236 kB) in 2011. What are the next steps? European Social Fund. Young people who have left education and training and are looking for work can face significant obstacles for a wide variety of reasons. And the financial and economic crisis has led to very high unemployment levels in this group.

The ESF is devoting significant resources to helping them take their first steps into the jobs market. There are some 94 million young Europeans aged between 15 and 29 years old. Many are at school or in further education and training, and others have found work and are building careers. Many ESF activities offer training opportunities to give young job-seekers the skills and qualifications that are in demand on the jobs market, including green skills that are increasingly needed.

Apprenticeships, company internships and short-term work placements are strongly supported, often in parallel with training courses. The Youth Employment Initiative Extra support for youth comes through the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). Fondene - EU Regionalpolitik. Fem hovedfonde samarbejder om at fremme økonomisk udvikling i alle EU-lande i overensstemmelse med målsætningerne for Europa 2020-strategien: Alle EU-regioner kan modtage støtte fra EFRU og ESF.

Det er dog kun de mindre udviklede regioner, der kan modtage støtte fra Samhørighedsfonden. Finansielle instrumenter Fire finansielle instrumenter er etableret til at yde teknisk bistand (Jaspers og Jasmine), forbedre SMV'ers adgang til mikrofinansiering (Jeremie) og yde støtte til byudvikling (Jessica). Den Europæiske Unions Solidaritetsfond Den Europæiske Unions Solidaritetsfond (EUSF) yder bistand i tilfælde af store naturkatastrofer. Instrumentet til førtiltrædelsesbistand Der ydes støtte til EU-kandidatlande og potentielle kandidatlande via instrumentet til førtiltrædelsesbistand (IPA). Programmes - EU Regional Policy. Erasmus for unge iværksættere. Erasmus for unge iværksættere er et udvekslingsprogram på tværs af grænserne. Det giver nye eller vordende iværksættere mulighed for at lære af erfarne iværksættere, der driver små virksomheder i andre lande, der deltager I programmet. Erfaringsudvekslingen finder sted under et ophold sammen med den erfarne iværksætter, som hjælper den nye iværksætter med at tilegne sig de nødvendige færdigheder til at drive et lille firma.Værten får fordelen af at få nye perspektiver på sin virksomhed og får mulighed for at arbejde sammen med udenlandske partnere eller lære om nye markeder.Opholdet er delvis finansieret af Den Europæiske Union.Hvad enten du er ny eller særdeles erfaren iværksætter, kan programmet tilbyde stor merværdi til din virksomhed: Mulige fordele omfatter udveksling af viden og erfaring, muligheder for at danne netværk I hele Europa samt nye kommercielle relationer eller markeder i udlandet.

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