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Main Page - EvoWiki. New Genetics and Microbiology Resources Published at (PRWEB) January 29, 2012 is a Web 2.0 sciences social network established in 1998 to index the very latest news, headlines, references and resources from science journals, books and websites worldwide. The site covers news in all fields of biology, business, chemistry, engineering, geography, health, mathematics and society. currently contains over 1.3 million stories distributed among 75 categories. Over 75,100 users monitor nearly 8,200 journals covering the broad spectrum of sciences. They share circa 2,500 new articles every day.'s Biology Sciences Category covers life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution.'s Genetics Sciences Category covers the genetic composition of populations during successive generations, natural selection, genetic variation among individuals, and development of new species.

Ethan Perlstein :: Evolutionary Pharmacology. Neopodia le savoir à emporter. This is what it looks like when your body fights cancer. Thisviewoflife. The 2011 Harriet-Elliott Lecture Series blog. A new world record for DNA analysis! Genetics and the tree of life. We traditionally think about the tree of life in terms of Kingdoms: plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, etc. Genetics has really revolutionized the way we think about the tree of life and, because our classifications should reflect ancestry (that is, who is more closely related to whom), it has actually called into question a lot of our traditional classifications. Most biologists split up life into three domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya (the last of which includes animals, plants, fungi, etc.).

The three domains of life. From Carl Zimmer's blog The Loom. Science writer Carl Zimmer has an interesting post on his blog about how the newest genetic data may even call this classification into question by adding a fourth domain. From his post: There’s a lot of debate about whether eukaryotes actually split off from within the archaea, or just branched off from a common ancestor. New research is looking at tons of genes from these sorts of organisms. References Wu, D., et al. (2011). Wellcome Trust Blog.

Biomedical science funding. We support research into all aspects of biomedical science: from molecules and cells vital to life, through the spread of diseases or the vectors of disease across the globe, to clinical and public health research to improve the quality of healthcare. Research can be based in the laboratory, the clinic or the field, and may involve experimental or theoretical approaches. We do not just fund scientists - through our biomedical science grants we support undergraduate and doctoral students, clinicians, dentists and veterinarians. We fund the best researchers with the most innovative and exciting ideas in the form of personal and research support, collaborations and support for symposia, conferences and workshops.

A significant proportion of our funding is devoted to support those working overseas. About biomedical science We support molecular, cellular and structural biology, as well as clinical, physiological, psychological, epidemiological and public health research. Our funding schemes. Biobabel | exploring diverse new biological research. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - Biotech from Bench to Business.

Register now for SB201: Principles of animal development from a systems perspective. Molecular biology carnival #10. Rule of 6ix. Skeptic Wonder. Life Lines. Living World Science, from Dinosaurs to Agriculture | Discover Magazine. Extreme Biology Blog | WiSci.