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Culling sharks doesn't work - here's what we can do instead. Africa has half as many lions as 20 years ago - but don't blame trophy hunting. The halving of Africa's lion population over 20 years is not the result of trophy hunting.

Africa has half as many lions as 20 years ago - but don't blame trophy hunting

African lions have declined through the classic drivers of extinction, namely habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict and disease. Much of the attention generated by the demise of Cecil the lion appears related to the fact that he was a member of a charismatic species, that his species is threatened and the nature of his death. Wolf-US. Shot in the foot? Killing wolves, lynx, cougar increases farm predation. Great white sharks: 10 myths debunked. Qui veut la peau du lynx? Programme de conservation du lynx ibérique Trop, c’est trop.

Qui veut la peau du lynx?

Après un nouveau mort, le week-end dernier, sur une autoroute d’Andalousie, le WWF (Fonds mondial pour la nature) a jugé « intolérable » que le nombre de lynx ibériques écrasés sur les routes d'Espagne ait été multiplié par trois ces dernières années, jusqu'à devenir « le principal risque pesant sur l'avenir du félin le plus menacé de la planète ». Le 29 avril, la puissante association, s'inquiétant de la « saignée » survenue en 2013 (14 spécimens morts sur les routes, avait déjà lancé une pétition en ligne intitulée « Plus un lynx écrasé» (Ni un lince mas atropellado). Shame on the trophy hunters: a grizzly bear is worth more alive than dead.

I'm a surfer, but oppose culling sharks. Predatory Fish Have Declined by Two Thirds in the Last Century. The removal of top predators has been called “humankind’s most pervasive influence on nature,” and it is as detrimental in the sea as it is on land.

Predatory Fish Have Declined by Two Thirds in the Last Century

Consumers prefer predatory fish like grouper, tuna, swordfish and sharks to species lower on the food chain such as anchovies and sardines, providing strong incentives for fishermen to catch the bigger fish. Going after the more valuable predators first, fishing them until there aren’t enough left to support a fishery and then moving on to species lower in the food chain, a pattern sometimes observed in global fisheries, has been called “fishing down the food web.” New research (pdf) by the team that coined the term attempts to determine how severely predatory fish populations have declined worldwide since the start of industrial fishing.

Scientists analyzed more than 200 published food-web (interacting food chains) models from all over the world, which included more than 3,000 ocean species. Rapid loss of top predators ‘a major environmental threat’ Restore large carnivores to save struggling ecosystems - Comment. From the actions of the top predator, widespread impacts cascade down the food chain.

Restore large carnivores to save struggling ecosystems - Comment

We are losing our large carnivores. In ecosystems around the world, the decline of large predators such as lions, bears, dingoes, wolves, and otters is changing landscapes, from the tropics to the Arctic. Habitat loss, persecution by humans and loss of prey have combined to inflict great losses on these populations. In fact more than 75% of the 31 largest carnivore species are declining, and 17 species now occupy less than half their former ranges. Southeast Asia, southern and East Africa, and the Amazon are among areas in which multiple large carnivore species are declining.

Au loup. Qui veut tuer le loup ? Wolf killings are based on the most cynical of premises. If, as she has threatened, Brigitte Bardot moves to Russia in protest at the treatment of animals in France, she's in for a major shock.

Wolf killings are based on the most cynical of premises

A couple of weeks ago, the former actress warned that if two circus elephants thought to be carrying tuberculosis are killed as a result of a ruling by a French court, she will follow Gérard Depardieu by applying for a Russian passport: Idaho wolf eradication challenged - News. If wolves can't live inside one of America's biggest wilderness areas without a government extermination program then where can they live?

Idaho wolf eradication challenged - News

A coalition of conservationists have petitioned a federal judge in Idaho to halt a wolf extermination program by the US Forest Service and Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). The program aims to eradicate two entire wolf packs deep within central Idaho's 2.4-million-acre Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness - the largest forested wilderness area in the lower 48 states. In mid-December 2013, IDFG hired a hunter-trapper to pack into to eradicate two wolf packs, the Golden and Monumental packs, in the interest of inflating elk populations for outfitters and recreational hunters. Under pressure from hunters This followed pressure from hunters to cull the wolf population in November at the Idaho Fish and Game Commission's quarterly meeting.

Save the wolves, not the whales. With Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd shouting so loudly about the whales, the world failed to notice Norway’s real environmental crime.

Save the wolves, not the whales

Uniquely among first-world nations, it is about to exterminate all of its major predator species. First to go will be the wolf. The wolf is on the Norwegian red list of endangered species. At the start of each hunting season there are roughly 50 wolves in Norway. By the end there are barely 20. Suspension administrative des tirs de loups dans le Var. Publié le 18/12/2013 • Par avec l'AFP • dans : Actualité club Technique, Régions Le tribunal administratif de Toulon a suspendu un arrêté préfectoral autorisant le prélèvement de loups dans le département du Var, une décision accueillie "favorablement" par les associations de défense de l'animal.

Suspension administrative des tirs de loups dans le Var

Le tribunal, dans deux jugements du 13 décembre obtenus mardi 17 décembre par l’AFP, a estimé que la zone de tir autorisée par des arrêtés préfectoraux du 22 novembre, s’étendant sur 19 communes, était trop large et sans « cohérence avec la zone de pâturage concernée par les attaques de loups ». Le tribunal souligne également que ces arrêtés n’ont pas préconisé de « tir de défense ». La préfecture a annoncé qu’elle « tiendrait compte de ces observations dans ses prochains arrêtés, qui devraient être pris rapidement ». Un loup a été abattu le 2 décembre lors d’une battue aux sangliers sur le terrain militaire de Canjuers (Var), une première dans ce département. Haut de page. The howl of the wolf will not be silenced - News.

As the FBI and DHS levy counterinsurgency tactics against nonviolent groups like Earth First!

The howl of the wolf will not be silenced - News

, they compromise with paramilitaries. The Forest Service won a lawsuit this week giving them the chance to sell off the Jazz timber sale-2,000 acres of temperate rainforest and pristine salmon habitat in the Mt. Hood National Forest. L'Assemblée autorise les éleveurs à abattre les loups. Les Français et le loup - étude IFOP. Loup : les organisations agricoles maintiennent la pression sur les pouvoirs publics.