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Collier. Tresse/perles de rocaille. Pondu par Flo le 24 avril 2012 Voici un tuto photos pour réaliser très simplement un collier tressé avec de petites perles de rocaille. Un collier que vous pouvez adapter selon les tendances et les saisons, en choisissant des harmonies de couleurs différentes ! Ici j’ai opté pour une alliance anthracite / or / vert de gris clair, avec des perles mats. Le coût du collier revient à moins de 10€, sachant qu’il vous restera pas mal de perles, d’anneaux et de cache-noeuds, qui s’achètent souvent par 10.

Matériel Trois couleurs de perles de rocailleDu fil à coutureDes cache-noeudsDes anneauxDe la chaîne avec un fermoirDes ciseauxUne aiguilleUne pince (facultatif, souvent les cache-noeuds sont souples et se ferment à la main) Étapes Préparez deux rangs de perles de chaque couleur, sur un fil double, histoire d’assurer la longévité de votre collier. Vous allez ensuite assembler les deux rangs de même couleur avec un cache-noeud. Voici le résultat. Pour terminer, fixez votre chaîne à chaque anneau. Collier chevrons. Scoubidou/rondelles. The moment we saw Phillip Lim‘s Box Braid Collar Necklace, we were immediately overcome with a wave of nostalgia. Our memories of a neon, plastic box braid lanyard was suddenly transformed into a sophisticated leather jewelry component. Honestly, brilliant! Inspired by our fondness of Lim’s necklace and our love of utilizing hardware, we made our own interpretation of a box braid necklace.

And in case you forgot how to make your favorite childhood summertime craft, take a trip down memory lane with us! Start by cutting the suede in 4 three-yard pieces. Repeat the box braid until you are ready to add washers to the necklace. Once the necklace is finished, trim the ends. Wear it as a necklace, wrap bracelet or even a headband! (top image via Ssense, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) DIY Friendship Necklace. As soon as Lauren and I saw this editorial in Flare Magazine, we knew we had to recreate these awesome, friendship bracelet-like necklaces. We promise they are super easy to make and the perfect way to pass the time during those long summer roadtrips. To make a 2-tone necklace, cut a long piece of rope and wrap two different colors of embroidery thread around its own bobbin.

Tie a starter knot along with the two colored threads you are using, leaving at least 3 inches of slack, Tape down the slack to a flat surface or safety pin it something that will help keep it in place (feeling nostalgic yet?). Lay the color that isn’t being used (shown here in purple) in your left hand, along with the rope, and hold them taut. Take the active color (shown here in red) in your right hand, pass it over the rope, loop it under and back through the opening. Pull up and to the right to tighten. Once you’re done knotting, add a few nuts and/or washers to the necklace.