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The Story of Vincent and Elinor Ostrom. Barbara Allen, a longtime student and friend with access to their personal papers, chronicles the Ostroms' life and work in a new film Filmmaker Barbara Allen is now raising money for her documentary on Vincent and Elinor Ostrom, Actual World, Possible Future. For more information on how to support this important effort, see Indiegogo, a commons-based crowdfunding platform. Vincent and Elinor Ostrom with their student and colleague Barbara Allen (center) who is creating a documentary about them.

(Photo courtesy of Barbara Allen) Elinor and Vincent Ostrom founded Indiana University’s Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, which changed how people think about shared resources, public services, centralization, and privatization. Elinor Ostrom overcame considerable barriers to become the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Economics. But Ostrom, then known as Lynn Scott, was not a typical ‘50s housewife. Ostrom the Film Stay connected: Sign up! 23-06-11 Rencontre avec Elinor OSTROM. Elinor Ostrom ou la revanche de la coopération sur la concurrence, par Jacques Weber. Ceci est un billet invité. Jacques Weber, économiste et anthropologue, a bien connu Elinor Ostrom. Lui-même et son équipe ont collaboré étroitement avec elle et ses proches depuis 1986. Il faisait partie de ses amis. Il a bien voulu réserver à ce blog un billet d’hommage très personnel, plus une photo qu’il a prise chez lui, à Montpellier, en juin 2011.

Voici son texte : Elinor Ostrom ou la revanche de la propriété commune et de la coopération sur la propriété privée et la compétition marchande Toute sa vie Elinor Ostrom a été une chercheuse de terrain autant qu’une théoricienne des institutions, qu’elle définissait comme “jeux de règles en usage”, et des formes d’appropriation. Comment des individus ou groupes se coordonnent-ils dans la mise en œuvre de services publics, comme dans l’exploitation de ressources en propriété commune ? L’influence des travaux de Elinor Ostrom a été considérable à travers le monde. Populariser les « biens communs » pour sortir de la crise.

Elinor Ostrom. IT SEEMED to Elinor Ostrom that the world contained a large body of common sense. People, left to themselves, would sort out rational ways of surviving and getting along. Although the world's arable land, forests, fresh water and fisheries were all finite, it was possible to share them without depleting them and to care for them without fighting. While others wrote gloomily of the tragedy of the commons, seeing only overfishing and overfarming in a free-for-all of greed, Mrs Ostrom, with her loud laugh and louder tops, cut a cheery and contrarian figure. Years of fieldwork, by herself and others, had shown her that humans were not trapped and helpless amid diminishing supplies. She had looked at forests in Nepal, irrigation systems in Spain, mountain villages in Switzerland and Japan, fisheries in Maine and Indonesia. She had even, as part of her PhD at the University of California, Los Angeles, studied the water wars and pumping races going on in the 1950s in her own dry backyard.