El bibliotecario escolar en el modelo 1 a 1. Alfabetización Informacional y Modelo 1 a 1. Competencias Informacionales Nivel Medio - Trabajo Social.
Videos. Historia del libro. Estudiar e investigar en la biblioteca escolar: la formación de usuarios. Rethinking the library to improve information literacy (2010) - Marcineck. In January 2007, I was hired by Springfield Township School District to teach English.
One of the first pieces of advice I received was, "Seek out Joyce Valenza. " I took this advice and sought out Joyce, the STSD librarian, immediately. Joyce and I collaborated on several lessons and she was always excited to help my class find new ways to approach research and Language Arts. Information Literacy - AASL. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states on their website that “Information and media literacy enables people to interpret and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right.
The following resources may be used to guide parents through the maze of information about information literacy and help to facilitate acquisition of these 21st century skills. Communications in Information Literacy Communications in Information Literacy (CIL) is an independent, professional, refereed electronic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge, theory, and research in the area of information literacy. Information literacy - CILIP. Where does information literacy fit within the schools sector?
School librarians have had an interest in Information Literacy for many decades but, in general, this has not transferred into the educational language used by teaching staff, syllabuses or the examination system in England. This has resulted in the term “Information Literacy” being used mostly by librarians as opposed to teachers. In Scotland the picture is different as, through a funded project, Information Literacy and the associated skills have been developed within their educational framework to a much greater extent. The results of the project are detailed on the Information and Critical literacy pages on the Scottish Government website. The current curriculum for England does not specifically identify Information Literacy within its subject specifications; however, elements of the skills that comprise Information Literacy do exist within some subject areas, particularly ICT and the Humanities. Hacia la ALFIN en las bibliotecas públicas españolas (2009) - CCB.
Recomendaciones IFLA sobre Alfabetización Informacional y Mediática (2011) - IFLA. La alfabetización informacional (ALFIN)