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UU 3 Geert introduction Unlike Us in Unlike Us #3. Zaveka infográfica. AGORA SI. Guides/ at master · propublica/guides. Ethical Implications of Data Aggregation. Ethical Implications of Data Aggregation By Michael McFarland, SJ One powerful new capability the computer gives us is the ability to compile large amounts of data from disparate sources to create a detailed composite picture of a person or to identify people who meet some criterion or stand out in some way.

Ethical Implications of Data Aggregation

Nardoz/hack-a-stats. Truthy. Source - Journalism Code, Context & Community - A project by Knight-Mozilla OpenNews. Lawrence Lessig on the increasing regulation of cyberspace. Every age has its potential regulator, its threat to liberty.

Lawrence Lessig on the increasing regulation of cyberspace

Our founders feared a newly empowered federal government; the Constitution is written against that fear. John Stuart Mill worried about the regulation by social norms in nineteenth-century England; his book On Liberty is written against that regulation. Many of the progressives in the twentieth century worried about the injustices of the market. A computational journalism reading list. [Last updated: 18 April 2011 -- added statistical NLP book link] There is something extraordinarily rich in the intersection of computer science and journalism.

A computational journalism reading list

It feels like there’s a nascent field in the making, tied to the rise of the internet. The last few years have seen calls for a new class of “programmer journalist” and the birth of a community of hacks and hackers. Meanwhile, several schools are now offering joint degrees. Newspaper Front Page Analysis: How Do They Tell the Story? This article will be part of the forthcoming book Accountability Technologies: Tools for Asking Hard Questions edited by Dietmar Offenhuber and Katja Schechtner.

Newspaper Front Page Analysis: How Do They Tell the Story?

It is based on previous published texts about PageOneX. It wants to be a short summary of the possibilities of the tool that has just been released: There is an article in preparation with Sasha Costanza-Chock that will provide a review of scholarship in this area (print newspaper coverage) and will describe our approach in-depth to the topic.

Newspaper Front Page Analysis: How Do They Tell the Story? If You're a Narcissist, It's Not Your Generation's Fault. Time magazine’s cover story on millennials misses one key point from the academic literature: Generational cohesion may not exist at all.

If You're a Narcissist, It's Not Your Generation's Fault

It’s not shocking that a magazine called Time would be interested in the march of human generations. But the weekly’s much-discussed cover story on the late-’80s to mid-’90s “millennials,” Generation Me Me Me glossed past (as do the inevitable retorts) the possibility that the year of one’s birth just isn’t very important. Ghostweather R&D Blog. Understanding News in the Information Age.

MA Digital Media and Culture. Digital media is set to dominate twenty-first century culture and society.

MA Digital Media and Culture

This course gives you the opportunity to study digital media, and to be trained in tools to understand and make use of it, creatively, critically and productively. While the field of media and communications study the dynamics of film, television, radio, and the press, this course addresses how digital processes are transforming culture, the economy and society. About. The Studio 20 Building a Better Explainer Project was launched in November 2010 by Professor Jay Rosen’s graduate journalism class, in partnership with the non-profit investigative newsroom, ProPublica. The project will experiment with the form of “the explainer,” a genre in journalism that provides the essential background knowledge necessary to follow events in the news. Explainer.Net is the public face of this project, where we will share findings and promote quality work in the rapidly evolving industry of explanation, both inside and out of journalism. Here is the rationale for the explainer project, as articulated by Jay Rosen in a short video (5:22):

Quienes somos - Discursos - Beers & Politics. A lo largo de la historia, los discursos políticos han sido un buen termómetro para conocer los cambios que se producen en cada país.

Quienes somos - Discursos - Beers & Politics

Peace, Conflict, and Data. Rayuela. Rayuela, el libro red.


"A su manera este libro es muchos libros, pero sobre todo es dos libros. THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING: DEEP, BEAUTIFUL, AND ELEGANT THEORIES OF HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Metaphors, Aphorisms > author, journalist, Neiman fellow James Geary > About Me. My name is Will Davies, I live in London and I am a Senior Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London.

About Me

This blog has no official connection to Goldsmiths and all views expressed on it are my own. For more on my academic work, see my page at or Google Scholar. I do occasional writing, speaking and consultancy work for a range of clients and publications. You can email me or follow me on twitter @davies_will. My book The Limits of Neoliberalism: Authority, Sovereignty and the Logic of Competition is published in May. Dark Patterns - User Interfaces Designed to Trick People. Life in Code and Software - Books. From Books.

Life in Code and Software - Books

Start - LAND MATRIX. Nature Publishing Group : science journals, jobs, and information. MIT Technology Review. La ética del hacker y el espíritu de la era de la información. En el centro de nuestra era tecnológica se hallan unas personas que se autodenominan hackers. Se definen a sí mismos como personas que se dedican a programar de manera apasionada y creen que es un deber para ellos compartir la información y elaborar software gratuito. No hay que confundirlos con los crackers, los usuarios destructivos cuyo objetiuo es el de crear virus e introducirse en otros sistemas: un hacker es un experto o un entusiasta de cualquier tipo que puede dedicarse o no a la informática. En este sentido, la ética hacker es una nueva moral que desafía la ética protestante del trabajo, tal como la expuso hace casi un siglo Max Weber en su obra clásica La ética protrestante y el espíritu del capitalismo, y que está fundada en la laboriosidad diligente, la aceptación de la rutina, el valor del dinero y la preocupación por la cuenta de resultados.

Prólogo de Linus Torvalds | Epílogo de Manuel Castells. Respecting the Data. I was lucky enough to attend Eyeo Festival this year thanks to the Ford Foundation. There were many thought provoking and inspiring talks as well as conversations over Minneapolitan cuisine. One of the recurring themes I picked up on was how to respect data when doing data visualization, illustration, or art. This came up in different ways and under different names among speakers whom I saw talk. Furthermore there was tension and contradiction across the talks about the type of and level of respect due to data.

Studies : Web Ecology Project. New York Times magazine. New York Times magazine. PRISM PowerPoint Redesign. So I’m not sure why anyone was really shocked by the whole PRISM thing — I can’t be the only person who just assumed this was happening all along? But wow, those slides are terrible . Yikes. PRISM PowerPoint Redesign. About. About metaLAB is a research and teaching unit at Harvard University dedicated to exploring and expanding the frontiers of networked culture in the arts and humanities. It is founded on the belief that many of the key research challenges and opportunities of our era— fundamental questions regarding experience in a connected world, democracy and social justice, the boundaries between nature and culture— transcend divisions between the arts, humanities and sciences; between the academy, industry, and the public sphere; between theoretical and applied knowledge.

Big Data Trends. Ciudades a escala humana. What participants recommend you read before the conference. By Malte Ziewitz When planning the conference we had the last-minute idea to add a seemingly innocent field to the registration form and ask: “Can you recommend a paper or website that might be of interest to other conference participants?” This turned out to be very productive. About every third person suggested something, resulting in the following list of resources. How Twitter Is Reshaping The Future Of Storytelling. Pew’s new data blog fills in the contextual gaps between information and stories. Looking for volunteer collaborators!

Jonathan Stray. Itinerario Las mujeres y el poder en el Museo del Prado. * selecciona una imagen para ver su descripción Descargar planos en pdf. Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts - Slate Magazine. Campus Virtual - Centro de e-Learning UTN FRBA. International Brotherhood of Mothers. Subscribe to the Podcast | View all EPISODES >> A Seven Minute Workout Timer. Net - The New Ecology of Things - Media Design Program - Art Center College of Design. Big Data Needs a Big Theory to Go with It. McCormick Foundation New Media Women Entrepreneurs. International Symposium on Online Journalism. Converge to Inspire. The Verge interview: David Carr on curation, crowdsourcing, and the future of journalism. 212inShare Jump To Close. Bobby McFerrin plays... the audience! Designers & Books. Podcasts. A toolbox for revolution.

Desde 2000. Infonomia es una empresa de servicios profesionales de innovación, fundada en el año 2000, con clientes públicos y privados en todos los sectores. El elemento diferenciador de Infonomia es su red de "inquietos": más de 20.000 profesionales de todo el mundo que pueden participar en el desarrollo de soluciones. Advertising: Dan Ariely on Behavioral Economics and Marketing. El espíritu de los cínicos.

Stalker, laboratorio d'arte urbana - Roma. Lanzan un e-book más barato que libros en papel. Manifesto : Contently: Empowering and connecting quality reporters and publishers. VSL Archives. Evgeny Morozov: The Naked And The TED. Las dudas deleznables de una mente dispersa. MINERÍA: DATOS PARA LOS POLÍTICOS « Noticongreso Blog. Captura de pantalla, software de aprendizaje online, publicación en HTML5, aprendizaje con dispositivos móviles. Storyline. ThinkUp: Social Media Insights Platform. Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done. Brain Pickings.