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Penn & Teller. I Am An Atheist: 16 Things Atheists Need Christians to Know. Why I Am An Atheist. Good With God? Jewish lad comes out of the atheist closet. I Am An Atheist. Atheists are People, Too. Famous Dead Nontheists. A list of famous dead people who have rejected God and religion.

Famous Dead Nontheists

These are people throughout history who have advocated living life without deference to a transcendent power. The list is in order of birth date. The purposes of this list are to combat the pervasive myth that atheists are terrible, immoral people and to convince the undecided that it is OK to be an atheist. Just like any other large group of people, some of these people lived exemplary lives and others did not. The point is not that these people are all heroes, but simply to notice that there are more nontheists out there than most people realize. For a list of living celebrity atheists, I highly recommend Reed Esau's excellent, Celebrity Atheist List. Rationale for Selection | Contributors | Resources | Distribution | To Contribute Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551-479 BCE).Confucius' teaching can be considered a noteworthy Chinese variant of humanism.

Anaxagoras, Greek philosopher (500? Protagoras, Greek philosopher (481? Letters From Leavers. The 50 Most Brilliant Atheists of All Time. Atheism is generating quite a lot of attention these days.

The 50 Most Brilliant Atheists of All Time

Prominent atheists are getting the word out about their views in increasing numbers and generating lots of public debate on the proper place of religion in governments and societies in the modern world. And now more than ever, atheists have been able to network together and join forces because of the Internet. Today about 2.3 percent of the world's population identifies themselves as atheist, and nearly 12 percent more (a number that is quickly growing) describe themselves as nontheist - non-believers in any deity. The ranks of scientists boast probably the largest concentration of atheists, and many of those have been recognized as among the most brilliant of human beings for their work. But there are atheists in all walks of life and throughout history as well. Here's a look at 50 of the most prominent atheists of all time who also happen to be recognized as some of the most brilliant members of our species. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How My Six Year Old Boy Debunked Intelligent Design. I was attempting to explain to my son, Brance, who just turned six two weeks ago, why it was better to refrain from saying “Oh God!”

How My Six Year Old Boy Debunked Intelligent Design

Especially around his grandparents. He didn’t understand why it was such a big deal to them and asked if “God” was a bad word. This caught me off guard a bit. I had no reason to think that he should have known what or who God was. I half suspected that either the Mormon or Catholic set of grandparents had tried to explain it to him already. I had been spending so much time teaching him about evolution by natural selection that I forgot to tell him the lie he would be confronted with someday. I decided that it was time that he heard the creation story that I grew up with. I read on, “So, he put all the water in one place and all the dry land in another.” “Why do we have to save water then? After I finished reading about the third day he was beginning to catch on. “Well that’s what some people believe,” I stated, “but I don’t think so.”