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From io9

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The forgotten genius who discovered black holes over 200 years ago. What the hell is spin? Watch the Milky Way unfurl across the sky (and watch for constellations!) Climate change triggered massive technological changes thousands of years ago. Colliding galaxies cause incredibly bright starbust inside cloak of dust. Have we found the universe that existed before the Big Bang? First of all, let me say that this is not a comment on the overall article, but a small portion of it included below. I stopped reading at the line "it's not clear whether one can even use the term "before" in reference to a pre-Big-Bang cosmos, as time itself may not have existed yet" There is no such thing as "time" as we see it.

Time is not something that exists because time is an entirely human created notion. Events simply exist in the current moment, and we have memories of that moment in which they existed. There is no "back then" and the "future" does not exist. I'm going to go back and finish the article now, however, I just had a small disagreement with that excerpt. Stars so weird that they make black holes look boring.