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Disable weekends for AjaxToolKit Calendar extender « Irfanyar’s Weblog. AJAXTOOLKIT version 3.0.30512.0 It is possible to disable weekends/public holidays as per your need, using javascript Following is the code to disable weekends javascript to disable weekends function DisableWeekends(sender, args) { for(var i=0; i<sender.

Disable weekends for AjaxToolKit Calendar extender « Irfanyar’s Weblog

_days.all.length; i++) { for(var j=0; j<6; j++) { if(sender. if(sender. Calendar extender html Cheers Irfan Yar Like this: Like Loading... ASP.NET AJAX Maintain Scroll Position from a Partial Page Update. On and off for a while now I have worked with the new ajax technology trying to gain as much of an understanding of one of the coolest features in web development today.

ASP.NET AJAX Maintain Scroll Position from a Partial Page Update

If it makes a sh#$ in my personal opinion I find ajax to be one of the most powerful new tools available to developers today. To be able to request and display, on the client, a document from a server once; and then request parts of that document in Subsequencial request to the server is powerful in my book. Any one who has a slight understanding of the DOM should see the beauty of ajax. So here was my dilemma; I needed to make a picture viewer / navigator so that resent project pictures could be viewed on a webform. There is nothing fancy about this viewer, just a leftBar column for the selection (A treeView), and a viewer on the right (iframe) PICTURE of VIEWER. After searching the internet for a solution for a month or so I found my answer here THE AJAX SITE. Var scrollTop; function BeginRequestHandler(sender, args) Calling JavaScript from ASP.NET Master Page and Content Pages - Part II.

Calling JavaScript from ASP.NET Master Page and Content Pages - Part II In this article, we will see some common problems and their solutions of calling JavaScript from a Master/Content page.

Calling JavaScript from ASP.NET Master Page and Content Pages - Part II

This article is Part II of the series ‘Calling JavaScript from ASP.NET Master Page and Content Pages’ and in this article; we will cover JavaScript in Content Pages. Part I of this article can be read over here Calling JavaScript from ASP.NET Master Page and Content Pages - Part I Call JavaScript from Content Page Here are some common scenarios of executing JavaScript from a Content Page. 1. Protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) const string someScript = "alertMe"; if (! ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), someScript, "alert('I was called from Content page! ')" Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load.

AJAX Control Toolkit - Globalization (Language) For those who use AjaxToolKit controls presenting a language-dependent data (the CalendarExternder with the names of the months and weeks, for example) you can change the language to be presented in a simple way.

AJAX Control Toolkit - Globalization (Language)

In Web.Config let's define the primary culture as follows: < system . web ><System. Web>< globalization uiCulture = "pt-pt" culture = "pt-pt" /><Globalization UICulture = "en-us" culture = "en-us" /> ... ... In this example I'm using Portuguese. To finish it is necessary to change our ScriptManager. Like hus we use the controls on AjaxToolKit, always using the Portuguese language. It is important that AjaxTookKit is updated to avoid shortages or errors in translation, though I have not updated by this error in the ModalPopup the latest version, and any controls that I have used are translated correctly. YYYY-MM-DD for Calendar + MaskedEdit. When using the YYYY-MM-DD format for a textbox with ImageButton, Calendar, MaskedEdit and MaskedEditValidator I get a javascript error: 'length' is null or not an object.

YYYY-MM-DD for Calendar + MaskedEdit

Any suggestions on how to make it work? ASP.NET 2.0 with Toolkit v1.0.20229 To reproduce simply modify the MaskedEdit.aspx in the Toolkit SampleWebsite (my modifications are bold): <ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtenderID="MaskedEditExtender5"runat="server"