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Global growth: In search of demand. Asia Times Online. Western Pupils Lag Asians by Three Years. Western Pupils Lag Asians by Three Years.

Western Pupils Lag Asians by Three Years

Western schoolchildren are up to three years behind those in China's Shanghai and success in Asian education is not just the product of pushy "tiger" parents, an Australian report released Friday said. The study by independent think-tank The Grattan Institute said East Asia was the centre of high performance in schools with four of the world's top systems in the region -- Hong Kong, South Korea, Shanghai and Singapore. "In Shanghai, the average 15-year-old mathematics student is performing at a level two to three years above his or her counterpart in Australia, the USA and Europe," Grattan's school education programme director Ben Jensen said.

Afro-Asian Rural Development Org. Asian Development Bank (ADB) Japan. China. India. Indonesia.