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Step 1 Learn to Crochet - Easy Tutorial in Pictures. Would you like to learn how to crochet?

Step 1 Learn to Crochet - Easy Tutorial in Pictures

Learning how to crochet can be really simple if you have the right teacher. I really can't remember who taught me how to crochet. For some reason, I think it was my mother, but it may have been my older sister. We started out learning to crochet by making collars for our kittens. Then we crocheted clothes for our Barbie dolls. The main thing about learning how to crochet is being able to hold and manipulate the yarn with your fingers. What you'll Need: Crocheting Needle (my favorite is a #7 or G) Yarn, medium thickness Relaxed fingers Desire to Learn Persistence Let's Get Started 1. 2. 3. 4: Once you learn how to make that loop the rest is simple. So with this first lesson the hardest thing probably for you, will be learning to make the first loop, and to hold the yarn correctly, so that's what you need to practice first.

Continue Learning >> Crochet a Chainstitch. Crochet for Beginners. Learn the basics of how to crochet, starting at the very beginning.

Crochet for Beginners

If you’re brand new to crochet, the vast array of available hooks, yarns, stitches, and patterns can seem overwhelming. What should a beginner learn first? Which hooks and yarns should (s)he use? When there are so many options, how do you know where to start? Let's explore the possibilities. Introduction to Crochet Supplies Crochet Supplies -- Photo © 2009 Amy Solovay You don't need many supplies to get started with crochet. A crochet hookSome fiber -- usually, yarn or crochet thread, although there are other possibilitiesScissors A tapestry needle is also nice to have; you can crochet without one, but if you have one, it'll make your life easier when you've finished a project and it comes time to weave in the ends. That's it! Yarn Recommendations for Beginners: If you've never crocheted before, and you have no clue what yarn you should buy for working your first crochet stitches, these suggestions will help.

Crochet Basics. There are a handful of simple techniques you'll need to know for most basic crochet patterns.

Crochet Basics

Just remember to keep a loose hold on the yarn, don't worry about mistakes, and have fun! Below, you will find... Making a Foundation ChainSlip StitchSingle CrochetDouble CrochetHalf Double CrochetTreble Crochet Making a Foundation Chain The chain is the first stitch in any crochet. Begin with a slip knot on the hook. Wrap the yarn around the hook from back to front. Draw the yarn through the loop on the hook. Slip Stitch (sl st) Begin with a stitch on the hook. Wrap the yarn around the hook from back to front, then draw the yarn through both the V and the stitch on your hook. Single Crochet (sc) Begin with a foundation chain. Wrap the yarn around the hook from back to front, and draw the yarn through both stitches, pulling them off the hook. Repeat for each stitch in the chain. Double Crochet (dc) Begin with a stitch on the hook.

You know have three stitches on the hook. Half Double Crochet (hdc) How to Crochet a Multicolored Granny Square. Ch 6.

How to Crochet a Multicolored Granny Square

Join with a sl st to form a ring. When working crochet in rounds, 3 chain stitches are often used as a substitute for the first double crochet stitch in a round; that is the case here. In the first round, the double crochet stitches are worked inside the ring. In subsequent rounds, the double crochet stitches are worked inside the spaces previously formed by chain stitches. This tutorial continues on the next page.