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White House takes a big step into the cloud with - Ars Technica. "The Cloud" may not mean what you think it means, but the White House is hitching a ride on this fluffy bandwagon with

White House takes a big step into the cloud with - Ars Technica

The site is essentially a White House-sanctioned App Store of social media services approved for government agencies, made possible largely because of some unique TOS amendments. Run by the US General Services Administration (GSA), arranges quite a few social media services under categories like Business, Productivity, Social Media, and Cloud IT, with the latter listing services like storage, Web hosting, and virtualization as "coming soon.

" Almost every commercial and free service that you have (and have not) heard of is here, ranging from Facebook, Scribd, Vimeo, and Google Apps. The site also offers a market-speak crash course in the cloud's advantages of reduced cost, less overhead, going green, and adopting modern technologies and trends more quickly. My CloudApp. EyeOS - Cloud Computing Operating System.