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11 Brands already using Video for Instagram. By Nick Cicero on Jun 20, 2013 This morning video was introduced on Instagram and sure enough, brands are already out in full force recording their iterations of branded videos.

11 Brands already using Video for Instagram

Instagram’s Video feature comes with editing and 13 video filters, and more importantly leverages Instagram’s existing community of 130 Million users, which for brands means an active following of thousands upon thousands of viewers. Here are 11 Brands who are already recording on Instagram (unfortunately, Videos on Instagram don’t have any sort of embed feature like with Vine, so we’re limited to sharing these links and pics). 1. Michael Kors 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 10. How to Translate Your Social Media Metrics into Sales  It’s a given that almost all brands are present on social media these days.

How to Translate Your Social Media Metrics into Sales 

So now, CEOs and COOs are looking to community managers and saying, “Show me the money!” We’ve already discussed the importance of providing clients regular reports, but it’s also good {and in your best interest as a community manager} to know how your actions will in turn, create sales and revenue for your client. Social media lessons from Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and Delta. Are you missing a critical social media KPI?

Social media lessons from Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and Delta

'Social media disconnects', or when consumers unfriend/unlike or unfollow as a result of a social media marketing initiative or campaign, isn't a term in many marketers' vocabulary. Perhaps it's time for that to change. At the second annual Goldman Sachs Social Media Forum earlier this spring, Wendy Clark, SVP of Integrated Marketing Communications at Coca-Cola, covered a lot of ground with fellow panelists, including the topic of how highly engaged social media participants can shift to higher consumption patterns.

For consumer packaged goods companies (or any company that has to deal with competitive issues related to share of market and share of wallet), that's a huge deal because most of the marketing and advertising dollars spent within the consumer packaged goods category are focused on preference change and increasing consumption of the product. Major brands don’t have an awareness problem. Overconsumption among loyalists The L word. 10 of the Most Useful New Social Media Tools of 2013 (so far) 10 Ideas to Make Boring B2B Social Media Posts Captivating. Many B2B marketers are still trying to figure out social media for their companies.

10 Ideas to Make Boring B2B Social Media Posts Captivating

Years of product marketing driven writing, or content as we now call it, has honed their skills on features-based marketing. 26 Ways to Use Visuals in Your Social Media Marketing. Have you noticed more photos on social networks? Do you have a visual component as part of your social media marketing strategy? Do you need some help in getting started or maintaining momentum in sharing more visual content and in creating a visual conversation with your audience? In this post, you’ll find 26 tips, an A-Z guide, for getting started with a visual strategy . #1: Add Text to Your Photos.

News 4

News 3. News 2. News 1. 40 Social Media Blogs You Should Be Reading. 40 Social Media Blogs You Should Be Reading If you’re reading this blog (thank you!)

40 Social Media Blogs You Should Be Reading

, you probably agree that social media is valuable. But given how quickly the landscape is changing, keeping up to date with the latest trends can be a challenge. With new content being posted constantly around the Web, trying to stay current can be a full-time job. Social Networking Changing the Way We Travel. Measuring Social Media ROI. Companies and brands are finally beginning to fully embrace social media. eMarketer reported in September that 86% of those who responded to a survey of professionals from various industries said they had adopted social technologies.

Measuring Social Media ROI

Most said they were using the tools for marketing (57%) and internal collaboration (39%), while almost 30% reported using social technologies for customer service and support: But despite the broad adoption of social media, measuring its effectiveness lags behind. Integrate Social Media Into Your Website - Social Media Integrat. Your website is your online center of operations, but if you use social media as part of your advertising, market positioning and promotional efforts, your presence is scattered across the web.

Integrate Social Media Into Your Website - Social Media Integrat

While establishing a business presence in popular social venues like Facebook and Twitter may be crucial to your online community building initiatives, maintaining that presence can test your endurance and ability to maximize the impact of your efforts. Fortunately, several tools and techniques are available to help you meet these challenges. S Social Media Guide for Journalists - Flock. Navigating the journalistic seas this past year has been a particularly challenging/exciting task.

s Social Media Guide for Journalists - Flock

As many a publication foundered in the economic benthos, others rode the wave of new technology into previously uncharted waters. Mashable has been there through it all, stepping in to provide journalists with touchstones and compass directions to help them do everything from tell more compelling tales through alternative storytelling to make the most of their Twitter accounts. It's not enough today to have a good rolodex of sources (seriously, who even has a rolodex nowadays?) The Future of Social Media. - Monday, 28th December 2009 at 4Hot. Pay content and gossip management - I’m Twittering today and I’m Facebooking and I’m blogging and I’m writing my newsletter and my podcast.

The Future of Social Media. - Monday, 28th December 2009 at 4Hot

In pursuit of building my so-called personal brand, I’m getting my name out there and sharing my brilliance with the world. Once I get some decent lighting, 2010 will see me introduce a video blog as well. Yessiree, I’m building that brand right on up. Yup. What’s striking, however, is that none of this pays a cent. STATS: 10 Most Retweeted Daily Newspaper. According to a study on the U.S top 100 newspapers by The Bivings Group, it was found that the average newspaper had nearly 18,000 Twitter followers and was tweeted 11 times per day.

STATS: 10 Most Retweeted Daily Newspaper

It was also revealed that all of the 100 publishers were engaged on Twitter and have at least one account. However, not all of them are utilized fully. About 40% didn’t have their website linked to their Twitter page. The study also ranked the top 10 most retweeted newspaper on Twitterverse. Evidently, The New York Times clinched the top spot, with more than 1.8 million followers and 1,500 retweets in the month of September.

As shown on the table, there isn’t any correlation between the number of followers and retweets. An Alternative Measurement For Twitter Success The Bivings Group has an alternative way to measure Twitter success; and that is through the Twitter ‘IQ’ measurement. Via eMarketer, Stock photos powered by Pixmac. S Social Media Marketing & Web Event Guide - Flock. Is your event not on this list? Contact us at least one month before your event and let’s establish a media partnership. Mashable's Weekly Social Media and Marketing Event Guide is proudly supported by Eventbrite, the Web's Event Marketplace.

January 11, 2010, Nashville, TN: The Social Media conference that comes to you. Social Fresh is a one day, case study rich conference targeted for marketers. When NOT to Use Social Media - Flock. These days, everyone is talking about social media and discussing what services and tools to use, how to use them, why you should use them, etc. In fact, if you listened to all the advice out there, you would probably think that no matter who you are, whether an individual wanting to build a personal brand, or a large multinational corporation intent on communicating with customers, you should be using social media. Five things you need to do online in 2010. If sorting out the corporate website is your ambition for 2010, it can be pretty difficult to know where to start and what to prioritise. After all, you’re bound to have a budget to stick to.

So where should you start? When Your Company Culture Isn't Ready for Social Media - The Con. By Jeanne C Meister and Karie Willyerd | 10:16 AM December 30, 2009 Are you considering whether your company should use social media to connect not only with your customers, but also with your employees, partners, and suppliers? Before you decide to encourage your key executives to blog, or start looking at private social networking Enterprise 2.0 platforms, consider the following two scenarios based upon real examples and ask how the executives at your company would react: An executive publishes her first blog post, primarily addressing her employees, but open to the public.

She intends for the blog to help the survivors of a recent downsizing, mentions that those who left the company are talented employees, and that the survivors should do things that replenish their spirit. The wife of a laid-off employee sends the CEO a letter demanding the resignation of the executive because she finds the section on replenishing the spirit frivolous and insensitive. Top 10 Things You Should Not Share on Social Networks" - Flock.

Unless you've been living under a rock in 2009, you know that social networking Web sites are the latest and greatest way to interact with other users on the Internet. Thirty-five percent of adults on the Internet now have a profile on at least one social networking site, and 51 percent have more than one. Revisiting 10 Golden Rules of Social Media - Flock. Top 50 Social Brands of 2009. Spoiler: You Know All of Them - Fl. Are social networking sites addictive?" - Flock. In April 2009, Oprah Winfrey logged on to Twitter and sent her first "tweet," taking online social networking out of the hands of the computer-savvy and into the living rooms of every American. These days it seems like everyone and their grandma has a Facebook page, Twitter account or LinkedIn profile. People are logging on every day, obsessively updating their profiles and checking the status updates of their online friends.

It's a fun way to pass the time and stay in touch, but can these sites be dangerous? Marketing Strategy: The 7 Universal Brand-Management Truths - Ad. The 2010 Social Media Marketing Ecosystem. Forrester Research analyst Sean Corcoran recently posted an insightful breakdown of some of the differences between owned media, paid media and earned media. Given the ongoing convergence I’m seeing between different communications disciplines which I’m seeing on a daily basis, this got me thinking.