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How It Should Have Ended Zombies Extra. Pufixas. How to Make a Melting Camera Scene. Making Complex Selections in Photoshop. How To Make Your Own Little Polarama Planet With Photoshop. Technically called a Polarama (because it uses the Polar co-ordinate system), you can end up with a little “planet” when you wrap around a panorama photo – like you can see on the thumbnail to the side there. Today I’m going to show you how to achieve this effect in Photoshop. This is a quick and easy tutorial anyone can follow; even easier if you already have some panoramas to play with.

No Panorama? Use Photomerge Start by taking lots of pictures that you’ll stitch together into a panorama. In order for the planet effect to work, make sure you have a consistent sky all the way around. Open up Photoshop and from the File->Automate menu, choose Photomerge. Use the browse dialog to find your files. When you hit OK, things are going to take a while to process, proportional to how many photos you took. I must stress, using a panarama app such as 360 is far, far easier. Polar Distortion Next, we’re going to distort the image into a square shape. The last step is to use polar distortion.