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Recherche par mots-clés - Les Mondes Etranges. Le capharnaüm du Net ! - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Capharnaüm du Net -… - Mercredi 16 avril 2014 3 16 /04 /Avr /2014 06:34 Un éditeur à découvrir, Zones sensibles, au catalogue très intéressant.

Deux deux livres assez extraordinaires à découvrir dans leur catalogue. Flatland d'Edwin A. Pour découvrir le livre et l'auteur, la chronique du blog 36 : Et aussi 5, suivi de 6 qui vient de paraître, consacrés au monde numérisé de la finance. Par 36 quai du futur - Publié dans : Le capharnaüm du Net ! Vendredi 24 janvier 2014 5 24 /01 /Jan /2014 07:16 Quelques images poignantes qui rappellent tant de souvenirs, passés et à venir sans doute... Vendredi 20 décembre 2013 5 20 /12 /Déc /2013 14:39 Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Dimanche 15 décembre 2013 7 15 /12 /Déc /2013 21:12 A ne pas rater !!! Philip K. Dick - Le site dickien.

Ces objets technologiques qui ont fait un flop. Au Delà du Réel. L'Âge de Cristal. Stéphane uluornu (DIEU_Mulder): ses vidéos sur Dailymotion. Rétrofutur japonais. It's dark in the dark.

Film SF

Galerie de modern_fred. Retro Future: To The Stars! - Part 3. "QUANTUM SHOT" #612Link - by Avi Abrams We can not get enough of that stuff. The Future that never happened. The Past that kept dreaming and never woke up. Also read Part 2 and Part 1 We continue to update our extensive collection of the most inspiring and hard-to-find retro-futuristic images. We'll start with a line-up of neat planetary vehicles, envisioned for "Project Sword" series.

(images via) You have to appreciate the lines of the "First Spaceship on Venus" (from the 1960 East Germany/Poland film): Curious how such a cool vintage-streamlined rocket might look on the launch pad? Life inside the space station (complete with a space kitten) from the Russian movie "Road To The Stars", 1957 - (more screenshots and info here) (left: "UFO" series; "Land of the Giants" vehicle is on the right) (left: screenshot from "Space 1999"; right: from "Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun" - via) (scenes from the German TV series "Orion Patrol" - via) (Russian magazine covers from the 1950s and 1960s) ...

Lumichord. Airships | Modern Mechanix | Page 5. UPDATE: Somone on digg pointed out that if you look closely at the picture of the father and son filling a model Zeppelin on page two you can see that it says “Hindenburg” on the side. HOME EXPERIMENTS WITH HYDROGENby VERNON TRACEYHYDROGEN, the lightest of chemical elements forms a very interesting field of experiment for the home chemist.

It can be produced easily in several ways for experimental purposes; one of the most common of which consists of the action of sulphuric acid on zinc.A flask into which is dropped a few grams of zinc scraps is fitted with a rubber stopper, thistle-tube and delivery-tube as shown in the photo. The thistle-tube is fitted into the stopper so the end will be about 1/8″ from the bottom of the flask.

The end of the delivery-tube is near the top of the flask. Dilute sulphuric acid is poured down the thistle-funnel and hydrogen is produced when it comes in contact with the zinc. Seems like that would be a pretty slow rescue… U.S. Old Military Innovations (33 pics) Pics | 1 Jul, 2012 | Views: 6822 | Do you like it? It is just one of the thousands of posts that we have on the

Please visit our main page to see other great pictures and videos! Le vingtième siècle / texte et dessins, par A. Robida.