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Histoire de l'Art

Drawspace: Now everyone can draw. Art - époques. Dessin au crayon. Cours de dessin et peinture gratuits - Apprendre à dessiner en ligne | ateliermagique. Aquarelle. Wikihow. RapidFireArt | What to draw and how to draw it. Gallery Picassohead. How to Paint A Flat Watercolor Wash. Painting a Flat watercolor wash OBJECT: Learn to lay an even-toned flat watercolor wash. In the beginning... Draw a square or rectangle on your paper, or visualize the boundaries of such as you go. (wing it) Select a darker hue for your wash (it's easier to see) and mix a liberal amount of medium intensity (30-50% value) paint on your palette.

Charge your brush with paint, and starting in the upper left corner touch your brush to the paper and gently pull a straight line of paint to the upper right corner. NOTE: If left handed work right to left! Make your second stroke Return to your palette and refill your brush. Start the next stroke at the bottom of the first stroke, being sure to overlap the bead of paint now formed at the bottom of the first stroke. TIP 1: If the flood of the first stroke doesn't fully flow into the new stroke, increase the angle of your board to aid the flow of the wash. Repeat as necessary... TIP 3: You can use the flat edge of a wash brush to "cut" the starting edge.