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Apple hopes for music revolution with iCloud launch. 11-Inch MacBook Air First Impression: It’s Freakin’ Fast! Holy Mackerel this thing is fast! 46 tabs in Safari and 21 in Chrome; 18 open applications, including hogs like Safari, Mail and iTunes. No spinning beachballs! There’s no slowdown whatsoever. It’s amazing. It’s the fastest laptop I’ve used in years, and Apple is going to sell boatloads of them. I’ve got to go on a scout trip with my son. Related.

IPhone 1-4 (voire 5)

iPad 2 : c’est pour le 2 mars. La rumeur a pris corps : Apple a commencé à envoyer les cartons d’invitation pour son prochain Special Event, programmé pour le 2 mars au Yerba Buena Center, à San Francisco, à 10 h heure locale (soit 19h heure de Paris). Et le visuel laisse peu de doutes quant au produit qui y sera dévoilé : il s’agira de l’iPad 2 ! Vous pouvez compter sur MacPlus pour vous tenir informé des annonces… On appréciera au passage le slogan, qui invite à voir de quoi sera faite l’année 2011 : en substance, ça ne sera pas l’année des tablettes Android. iPad Floor Stand for the Cheap Geek. Cheap Geek iPad Stand (photos: iPad furniture may be a growing trend, but not everybody can afford $2500 for an iPad Chair (myself included). Now the cheap geeks are getting in on the fun. iVan at tells us of this useful domestic repurposing project: I bought a microphone boom stand.

Unfortunately this one is a little cheapish and not quite sturdy enough so I had to add a 5 pound counterweight to offset the iPad’s heft and that of the supporting panel.That panel is cut from half inch MDF covered in black self adhesive felt material. Armchair not included. Related. Waited 11 hours to be the 1st i-pad2 owner.

Summary of iPad2 Features. Apple iPad 2 Video HD.