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La vérité dans la publicité - une vidéo Comédie et Humour. Résistance à l'agression publicitaire. Un nouvel art de militer. Soutien aux déboulonneurs. Plus drole qu'un prout !! Share photos on Twitter. Anti Pub Culture in India – the aftermath of Mangalore Pub attac. A lot has been happening in the Mangalore Pub attack (by Sri Ram Sena) case.

Anti Pub Culture in India – the aftermath of Mangalore Pub attac

Many people were arrested (and all including mr. Pramod Mutalik the head of organization – are now out on bail), many statements were passed, many people have raised slogans against something called . Check out these statements: What is “pub culture?” If we analyze the term really stands for women drinking and socializing with men in public places. Brigade AntiPub. Résistance à l'agression publicitaire.