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Social Dynamics of the LOIC. Yesterday’s post about group behavior when faced with changing conditions elicited some response. Despite my not having mentioned the ongoing attacks anywhere in the entire text, my comment field filled with people defending Anonymous. No, not so much defending Anonymous, actually, as… maybe feeling uneasy over my post as such. Apparently, something in the text stepped on a toe. Thankfully, a bit later, more people stepped in and understood what I was trying to say; that things aren’t always as easy as good and evil. I think those comments were among the most thoughtful and worthwhile I’ve had in quite a while. Let there be no mistake: I strongly criticize any and all attacks on infrastructure (like other Pirate Party leaders do internationally, as well as others). We are here to defend the Internet. Anyway, things are not black and white.

Finally getting to the point, here. When you install LOIC on your computer, you become a soldier in an ongoing war. What Is LOIC? LOIC. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour le prénom, voir Loïc LOIC, pour Low Orbit Ion Cannon (qui peut être traduit par « canon à ion de basse orbite »), est une application de test de réseau, écrite en C# et développée par Praetox Technologies. Cette application tente d'attaquer par déni de service le site ciblé en inondant le serveur avec des paquets TCP, des paquets UDP, dont des requêtes HTTP avec l'intention de perturber le service d'un hôte particulier. Le programme a été exploité au cours du projet Chanology qui visait les sites web scientologues. IRCLOIC[modifier | modifier le code] Depuis la version, LOIC comporte une nouvelle option nommée « Hive Mind » qui autorise le contrôle de LOIC par un opérateur de salon IRC.

Une option pour démarrer le programme comme une tâche de fond est aussi disponible dans ces premières versions. Limites[modifier | modifier le code] Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ (en) Aiko Pras, Anna Sperotto, Giovane C. Analysis of Low Orbit Ion Cannon (loic) Web Stress Tool | wasnt nate. BackstoryLast Thursday, the site was shut down for contributing to a half billion (with a B) worth of piracy of copyright material.

These guys were so large they contributed to 4% of the internet traffic. In retaliation, the hactivists of the internet united, causing a mass distributed attack against many prominent sites. The primary tool being used by the script kiddies is Low Orbit Ion Cannon (loic) written by Alexander M. Batishchev according to Source Forge while Wikipedia sites Praetox Technologies. Regardless of author, there are many of these floating around the IT world. This program can be [mis]used as a weapon; it’s really just another web app performance tool. This is not a TrojanWhen I first went to SourceForge there are numerous posts from people saying this is a “Trojan.” How Does It Work Despite many comments that the tools doesn’t work, it works just fine. The point of interest is the bw_DoWork callback method of the HTTPFlooder class.