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Android Development

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Google APIs + HTML5 = A New Era of Mobile Apps. This post from the Google Code Blog is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This guest post is written by Adrian Graham, co-founder of who will give us a demo inside the Developer Sandbox. When building nextstop's HTML5 mobile app, we were able to leverage a powerful combination of HTML5 and Google API's to build a mobile web experience that we believe rivals what we could have built natively. For more on our mobile app, check out this post -- here we will just focus on the technologies that made this experience possible. Lately HTML5's video features have gotten a lot of attention, but it's three other HTML5 features that we've found most useful for mobile web development. 1. 2. 3.

As excited as we are about HTML5, things get even more interesting when you combine these technologies with Google APIs. 1. 2. 3. View GIS Shapefiles On Android With SHP Viewer | AndroGeoid. Application Name: SHP Viewer Description: View GIS shapefiles on Android, query attributes. Publisher’s website: nexti Cost: Free Version/date reviewed: v.1.03 / 3-8-11 Phone/OS: Droid X / Android 2.2 Android Market (mobile app only)Android Market (browser) Note: Also requires the Adobe Air framework; Android Market link (mobile app) , Android Market link (browser). There aren’t a lot of vector GIS data viewers currently available for Android; actually, as of the time of writing, I could only find one such app, SHP Viewer, reviewed here. After copying the shapefiles over, and starting the app, you’ll need to press the “Refresh” button in the upper right to get them to show up in the file list (the home button at upper left exits the program).

The initial view will be of the entire extent of the shapefile; you can zoom in either with the zoom control at right, or multi-touch pinch to zoom. . … you’ll get a popup window listing all the attribute values for that shapefile. How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters. HTC Incredible Hacks. Android | Happy New Years, Simple pattern for opening an Android Activity Another New Year and like many other bloggers I’m thinking about resolutions of writing on my blog more often. Actually, my resolutions are a little grander then just this blog, but I’m still ironing them out.

So instead of going into my life/work goals of 2011 I’d rather share a code snippet/Android pattern I’ve been using quite a bit lately. It grew from working with other Android developers and wanting to specify a mini API for opening an Activity. This way ActivityOne can be started from another Android Activity using the following call, ActivityOne.startMe( this, 123, "abc" ); This places the actual means of defining the Intent for ActivityOne in one place, and if this contract is changed, ie adding another variable or changing types, it can be changed in the method signature of startMe and all the places this is called will fall out using a coding tool like Eclipse.

Go home feature with FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP (more…) <? USB Host mode on Motorola Droid « Chris Paget's Blog. Yes, it’s true – Android (at long last!) Has access to USB Host mode. I had been waiting for this to happen on the Nexus 1 or N900 some time soon, but as it turns out it’s the Droid that takes the crown. It’s a neat little hack that I heard about at Shmoocon; I’d like to thank to Mike Kershaw from Kismet and Mike Baker from OpenWRT for sharing Here’s how it works. The USB hardware on the Droid is actually capable of USB-OTG (meaning that it can act as both host and peripheral), however it only possesses a standard USB Micro-B port instead of the Micro-AB port that you would normally get from an OTG device (such as the N810).

You’ll need to make two things, a micro-dongle to enable the port (you plug it in during boot time) and a cable with the right connectors on each end (for connecting your peripheral). Start with the car charging cable. This is your micro-dongle. Next up, you need to make your connector cable. Getting Started with Android Development. Unless you have been hiding in the caves for the past couple of months, by now you must have heard of the mobile platform from Google that everyone is talking about. Yes, that's right, I am talking about Android. Android is an open source mobile operating system that is based on the Linux kernel. Using Android, device manufacturers can customize the OS to suit their particular hardware design, thereby allowing them to innovate without limitations. For developers, Android programming uses the Java programming language, and familiarity with the language immediately opens the platform to every Java programmer in the world.

In this inaugural article of the Android series, I will get you started with Android development without requiring you to wade through pages of technical documentation. At the end of this article, you will have written a simple Android application and you will be able to deploy the application onto an emulator or a real Android device. So, what are you waiting for? <? Consuming WebServices in Android (Android forum at JavaRanch) Fundamentals | Android Tutorial for Beginners (Part 1) Android hacks. Guide To Building Android Applications. Ok, so you’ve read the Android FAQ, successfully managed to install the Android SDK and get it up and running, so now you’re finally ready to get building some Android applications. Below you’ll find anumber of links to sites that will be of great use to you as you get to grips with the Android SDK and begin to work on creating your own applications for the platform.

Android applications are written using the Java programming language, you’ll also use a custom virtual machine (Dalvik) to run and tst your creations. Dalvik is designed for embedded use which runs on top of the Linux kernal. Below you’ll find a number of links to sites that will be of great use to you as you get to grips with the Android SDK and begin to work on creating your own applications for the platform. Information on how to develop applications, references,in-depth documentation and code snippets can all be found as you work your way through the various guides and tutorials. Getting Started With Android Sample Code. HACK: Modify Your GPS To Take On An Entirely New Level! 13 August 2009 Take Performance Of N97 GPS To A Whole New Level By Simple Antenna Modification!! I am talking here as an ardent Smartphone follower and a huge fan of Finnish mobile phone giant for the last 15 years and I just can't tell you how dissatisfied I am with their products and services lately.

We have been seeing lots of hardware design faults with considerable production problems occurring on numerous high-end Smartphones in the recent years and Nokia devices today look like they have been created by the bunch of road workers, bakers, sewage cleaners, and not the engineers. Engineer would know that if you put hard plastic to protect delicate camera lens, and if some dust particle comes in, it would scratch the glass. As we all know, GPS on N97 is terrible, it doesn’t maintain strong locks, in dense foliage or urban environment with tall buildings satellites lock is easy and often disrupted comparing to N95 and N95 8GB. (Don’t know about others, those two I own). External GPS for iPod and iPhone.