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Ventilation (architecture) An air handling unit is used for the heating and cooling of air in a central location (click on image for legend). Ventilating (the V in HVAC) is the process of "changing" or replacing air in any space to provide high indoor air quality (i.e. to control temperature, replenish oxygen, or remove moisture, odors, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, and carbon dioxide). Ventilation is used to remove unpleasant smells and excessive moisture, introduce outside air, to keep interior building air circulating, and to prevent stagnation of the interior air. Ventilation includes both the exchange of air to the outside as well as circulation of air within the building.

It is one of the most important factors for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in buildings. Methods for ventilating a building may be divided into mechanical/forced and natural types.[1] "Mechanical" or "forced" ventilation is used to control indoor air quality. The Central Tower of the Palace of Westminster. Q = G/(Ci − Ca) Ventilatie. Ventilator van een kolenmijn. Ventilatie of luchtverversing is het vervangen van de lucht in een ruimte, die om wat voor reden dan ook vervuild of verontreinigd is, door zuivere lucht. Het vervangen van de lucht kan op natuurlijke manier of mechanisch gebeuren of zoals hieronder genoemd, ongecontroleerde en gecontroleerde ventilatie. Ventilatie is noodzakelijk voor een gezond binnenklimaat in ruimten waar mens of dier verblijven, en gebeurt door koolzuurgas, vocht en verontreiniging af te voeren en verse lucht aan te voeren.

De luchtverontreiniging kan van verschillende aard zijn (bijvoorbeeld sigarettenrook, bacteriën en schimmelsporen, chemische stoffen, stof, geurstoffen). Spuiventilatie of luchten is niet hetzelfde als de hier genoemde ventilatie, maar heeft ten doel in korte tijd sterk verontreinigde binnenlucht af te voeren of te spuien. Ongecontroleerde ventilatie[bewerken] Gecontroleerde ventilatie[bewerken] Natuurlijke ventilatie[bewerken] Mechanische ventilatie[bewerken] What is the most energy efficient way to mechanically ventilate a home to bring in cool night air, after a hot day? Asked by Patricia Menlo Park, CA This is a well-insulated, two-story home with two gas furnaces, one for each floor, but not air conditioning, built 6 years ago. Standard construction techniques were used. Climate is temperate - San Francisco Bay Area. Due to security, noise, and particulate issues, sometimes it is not desirable to leave the windows open at night to cool the home, particularly the second floor.

Answer This is a great question that more people should think about before they install central air conditioning. I also live and build in the Bay Area and I can tell you that we rarely install air conditioning in the projects that we work on. We have even convinced clients to leave out the a/c unit and we would install it later if indeed they find that they need it and not one has come back to us and wanted one yet. Luckily there are several options for you that will aid in this natural nighttime ventilation without having to add an expensive and costly to operate a/c system. Ventilatie nieuwbouw - warmteterugwinunits - J.E. StorkAir. Houses need to breathe--right?