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Planète Alu. Eau, vaccins, chemtrails : Ils effacent votre mémoire ! (FR) Telecharger (Objet application/pdf) Greening the Aluminum Can: We Can Do It. Amid the brouhaha about New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed ban on the sale of large-size sodas, it’s worthwhile to pause and consider some unintended consequences.

Greening the Aluminum Can: We Can Do It

Some have commented that they will simply buy two or more smaller sodas to have the equivalent of one large one, defeating the point of the proposed new law — and adding to the amount of waste in the city’s often-filled-to-the-brim trash cans. While soda cans are often deposited into recycle bins, recycling the cans themselves is not as profitable as it would seem to be as the basic can is made from two types of aluminium, notes the New York Times’s Green blog: The bottom and sides are made from an aluminum sheet that is strong enough to be stamped into a round shape without tearing.

For the top, which must be stiff enough to help the can retain its shape and withstand the bending force when it is opened, can makers blend aluminum with magnesium. Related Care2 Coverage. Aluminium un produit nocif pour la santé. Présent dans les crèmes solaires, dans les cuisines ou dans les vaccins, l'aluminium a longtemps été considéré comme inoffensif. F. DURAND / SIPACLOSON / ISOPIX / SIPACRISTOFORI / SIPA. L'aluminium, notre poison quotidien (documentaire)