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yCOYP. l9MhD. 7257 (JPEG Image, 344x4187 pixels) Video. 20 Of The Funniest Exam Answers Of All Time. September 22, 2010 | 10 Comments » | Topics: compilation , LOL Loading ... Hot Stories From Around The Web Other Awesome Stories. The Ultimate Rejection Letter. Funny Pictures - photobesity. 15 Unintentionally Perverted Toys for Children. Toys are carefully planned investments that companies spend countless hours developing in the hopes that children will use them to foster memories that they'll cherish for a lifetime.

15 Unintentionally Perverted Toys for Children

But sometimes, they just end up looking like dongs. Punisher Shape Shifters Crotch Rocket Wait, seriously? That's a real toy? It was so disturbing, we assumed it was Photoshop, but here's a video. The video is also disturbing. Man, this is not a good start. To be fair, this was part of a "Shape Shifter" line of toys--basically a Punisher transformer--and we're catching him in mid-transformation (we're assuming Frank Castle's transforming capabilities aren't canon). OK, that's just...that's just horrible.

So, for the second time we have to ask if the people designing products for children are just amazingly naive, or if they're a bunch of giggling stoners seeing what they can get past the marketing team. The Fr-ooze Pop was marketed to kids in Singapore using a voice that repeatedly says, "lick it, suck it. " My Funny Pictures: 100 Acre Drug Use. Fromthefuture.jpg (JPEG Image, 550x758 pixels) - Scaled (85%) Don't Argue With The Gay Flight Attendant. My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who was camping it up outrageously.

Don't Argue With The Gay Flight Attendant

He seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks. As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told us "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super. " On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed an extremely well-dressed and exotic young woman hadn't moved a muscle.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your tray, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground. " She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one. " Better Hide This One. Irony at its best. PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the slideshow.

Irony at its best

A real advertisement. Uses of the word Fuck. If you are offended by the use of bad language fuck off now!

Uses of the word Fuck

Don't read all of this page and then say it annoys you. FUCK is an international word. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, everyone knows exactly what you mean when you say "Fuck Off". It's the atmosphere it creates, that's why you will never read something like: "Fuck off", he hinted. Grammatical Usage In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories, making it one of the most versatile words in the English language. It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Jane) and intransitive (John and Jane fucked). Further Structures As you can see there are few words with the versatility of "fuck". Useful Acronymns These may come in handy when space is at a premium. The 9 Most Devastating Insults From Around the World. "Grandfatherfucker" (Afatottari) Who Said That?

The 9 Most Devastating Insults From Around the World

Icelanders. Dear God Why? Icelandic swearing is cutely offbeat. It leverages relatively bland sounding terminology and lets subtext do all the heavy lifting. When you are high.. When you are high.. (11 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading ...

When you are high..

Posted in Images on April 10th, 2010 by Demon | Report This Post | Add to favorites Disclaimer: Unless specifically mentioned in the post, we have no clue where this picture came from. Article_DrugChart.jpg (JPEG Image, 1053x588 pixels) DRUNK TEXTING REFERENCE MANUAL by Matt Houghton - Artist: Jordan Monsell. Did_ya_know_big.gif (GIF Image, 750x650 pixels) - Scaled (99%) Rake Bush Flash Video. Stuff No One Told Me Illustrations By Alex Noriega. How The Male Angler Fish Gets Completely Screwed. 1703888-b8bae0792e073dcc.jpg (JPEG Image, 481x788 pixels) - Scaled (81%) - Dirty Pickup Lines. Things Not To Say During Sex. Talk Sex: Fetish Flip 'N Match Game. What You Are. Secretary. Normal620911604.jpg (JPEG Image, 650x865 pixels) - Scaled (74%) Hal_15.jpg (JPEG Image, 425x237 pixels)

GWS849.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x491 pixels) Poorly Drawn Lines. Suicide-blowjob.jpg (JPEG Image, 328x1017 pixels) - Scaled (63%) 2001. Water Cooler Chat. 2009-08-25lovenotes.jpg (JPEG Image, 750x799 pixels) - Scaled (81%) Simple math. Internet Vices - Patrick Moberg. 12_ass.jpg (JPEG Image, 303x400 pixels) 23 - Post My LOL. Buzzfeed.