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Advanced ADD / ADHD Coach Training. Advanced ADHD Coach Training For an individual who wishes to become a professional Coach -- or just develop exceptional coaching skills -- register for the Advanced ADHD Coach Training Program, the most comprehensive and effective training program for new and experienced coaches.

Advanced ADD / ADHD Coach Training

(The Advanced program includes all of the modules from the Basic program) (part of our ACTP Accredited Program) During the Advanced Coach Training Program each student will focus on learning and practicing the coaching process, skills and models in depth. Students completing this level of training will: Significantly raise the proficiency level of their coaching skills.

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Videos and Podcasts. Apps, Gizmos & Gadgetry. Groups and Organizations in the UK. Resources... ADDerworld. ADDitude. Adult ADHD and "Time Blindness": Dr. Russell Barkley's Tactics for Taming That Trickster, Time. Time.

Adult ADHD and "Time Blindness": Dr. Russell Barkley's Tactics for Taming That Trickster, Time

That's one word that always makes the top of the list when I ask adults in our local CHADD discussion group to name their top ADHD-related challenges. Keeping track of time.Estimating the time it will take to complete a project.Planning for future time instead of getting totally wrapped up in present time. Managing time is a constant challenge for most humans, especially in our speeded-up age.


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