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3D art math , fractal and geo

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The Wonderful World of 2D and 3D Fractal Geometry - Blog. Fractals are shapes that can be split into several parts and every part is a reduced size of the whole.

The Wonderful World of 2D and 3D Fractal Geometry - Blog

They usually have fine structures at arbitrarily small scales, being too irregular to be described in traditional Euclidean geometric language. Fractals have an infinite complexity and it’s almost impossible to reproduce such a complicated image. In the last decade fractals gained a lot of popularity, especially that now they can be generated with special software or created in other digital manners. For the ones who don’t own such software or haven’t learned how to use it yet, know that fractals can be quite easily found in nature too, and artistically expressed through photography. The following article presents 50 amazing fractal art pictures, expressed on 3 levels: 2D digital manipulations, 3D images and photography of natural fractals. Romanesco o Broccoli Fractal. Math Artwork. This 3D vortex image is hidden in the above picture.

Math Artwork

To see it, relax your eyes and focus behind the screen. This autostereogram was generated with William Steer’s free autostereogram generating program SISgen. Click here to see an animated version of this picture. I also have a Mathematica-only version of this picture, but it is not as accurate. See also Pascal Massimino’s “Maelstrom” autostereogram. (* Create Shift Pattern, runtime: 10 seconds *) i2 = 450; j2 = 90; SeedRandom[0]; pattern = Map[Hue, -50Abs[InverseFourier[Fourier[Table[Random[], {i2}, {j2}]]Table[Exp[-((j/j2 - 0.5)^2 + (i/i2 - 0.5)^2)/0.025^2], {i, 1, i2}, {j, 1, j2}]]], {2}]; Show[Graphics[RasterArray[pattern],ImageSize -> {j2, i2}, AspectRatio -> Automatic]]

Math Artwork. Sculpture - News. January 30 A new multi-part, multi-material thing: And the pieces are like this: Like the Tetrabox piece last month, which went well and is now in stock, this one is held together with rare-earth magnets and improved with glow-in-the-dark glass. December 24 Thanks again for a great holiday season! And since I just realized I didn't announce it here, for completeness: Behold the Glow Cuttlefish Bottle Opener. December 10 This year's factory seconds sale is on. Update: Well, that lasted about two days. December 2 Why so serious? WhaleSnail In other news, I set up gift certificates through Paypal: December 2 Christmas Shipping When to order to be reasonably sure your package will arrive on time.

Our last shipping day before Christmas is Monday the 23rd (cutoff at noon Eastern time!) Best wishes for a great holiday season!