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2012 the Year of the Dragon: In with a mighty roar. ARIES March 21-April 19 Prepare to make interesting and life-altering changes.

2012 the Year of the Dragon: In with a mighty roar

The limitations of the past are lifting, and it's vital that you position yourself strategically to take advantage of opportunities that arise. Peace 2012 - a moment of peace. The 2012 Prophecy ~ Making it Real! "The accurate content of the message for the Maya Prophecy for our times is that the date of December 21, 2012 is nothing more than a general marker, a specific date that infact indicates a whole era, an era of hope, an era of opportunity - the opportunity to re-establish a sense of community amongst all humans of this planet...

The 2012 Prophecy ~ Making it Real!

" -From The Maya Taino Prophecy Initiative, led by Maya Elder Antonio Aj Ik and Taino Elder Miguel Sague - December 21, 2012 marks the Shifting of World Ages, a return to zero point, where we officially transition from the current 5,125 year World Age Cycle, and enter into a New World Cycle; marking a new level of our unfoldment as a planetary collective; a new level of our human evolution in concert with our living Universe. Foundation for the Law of Time - Welcome to the New Time.