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ISCMR - Homepage. University of Westminster - Research - Psychobiology and Psychophysiology. The Psychobiology and Health Psychology Group explores biological and psychological factors in the development and maintenance of health and illness using a wide range of methodological approaches.

University of Westminster - Research - Psychobiology and Psychophysiology

The group has a strong interdisciplinary focus, collaborating with researchers and clinicians across the University and beyond. We have strong collaborative links with a number of Healthcare Trusts and external institutions in the UK and internationally. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, we were commended for our particular strength in the area of Psychobiology. The group has particular interests in: wellbeing across the lifespan management of long-term conditions risk and protective factors in self harm and suicide understanding the mechanisms of motion sickness and spatial disorientation the impact upon physiology and health of changes in psychological state (eg stress, well-being) psychobiological changes across the lifespan biological and social factors in schizophrenia. International. Handbook of Psychophysiology by Cacioppo, John T: Cambridge University Press 9780521844710 Hardback, - Paperbackshop-US.

9781570629341: Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine - AbeBooks - Achterberg, Jeanne: 157062934X. This influential book shows how the systematic use of mental imagery can have a positive influence on the course of disease and can help patients to cope with pain.

9781570629341: Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine - AbeBooks - Achterberg, Jeanne: 157062934X

In Jeanne Achterberg brings together modern scientific research and the practices of the earliest healers to support her claim that imagery is the world's oldest and most powerful healing resource. The book has become a classic in the field of alternative medicine and continues to be read by new generations of health care professionals and lay people.

In Imagery in Healing, Achterberg explores in detail the role of the imagination in the healing process. She begins with an exploration of the tradition of shamanism, the medicine of the imagination, surveying this time-honored way of touching the nexus of the mind, body, and soul. 9780415994149: Psychophysiological Measurement and Meaning - AbeBooks - Potter, Robert: 0415994144. Robert Potter Editorial Reviews: Synopsis: This research volume serves as a comprehensive resource for psychophysiological research on media responses.

9780415994149: Psychophysiological Measurement and Meaning - AbeBooks - Potter, Robert: 0415994144

It addresses the theoretical underpinnings, methodological techniques, and most recent research in this area. It goes beyond current volumes by placing the research techniques within a context of communication processes and effects as a field, and demonstrating how the real-time measurement of physiological responses enhances and complements more traditional measures of psychological effects from media. Dr. Jeanne Achterberg. Dr.

Dr. Jeanne Achterberg

Achterberg is a scientist who has received international recognition for her pioneering research in medicine and psychology. A faculty member for 11 years at Southwestern Medical School, she is expressionsly a Professor of Psychology at Saybrook Institute, San Francisco. She also co-chaired the mind/body interventions ad hoc advisory panel and the Research Technologies Conference of the Office of Alternative Medicine, and was a member of the Advisory Board, Unconventional Cancer Treatments Study Group, Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress. She is a research consultant and advisor to foundations.

She has authored over 100 papers and five books. Her awards include Healer of the Year, given by the Nurse Healers' Cooperative, the Gardner Murphy Scholar Award, and the Moncrieff Award for Burn Research. Dr.