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Stixy: Untitled (#97519) Ultra-Short-Throw Projectors - Epson. Epson’s Ultra-short-throw technology pushes the boundaries of projection, creating impactful and engaging presentations in any sized room. For the ultimate interactive experience, two of the projectors in the Ultra-short-throw range include inbuilt interactive capabilities allowing any projection surface to become an interactive one. What is an Ultra-short-throw projector? A projector you can use in any size room.

Epson’s Ultra-short-throw technology allows the projector to be mounted just centimetres away from the wall. This is particularly beneficial in smaller rooms as Ultra-short-throw projectors don’t need as much space as traditional projectors, which makes it easy to create large, impactful screens in even the smallest room. Another benefit is that the projector virtually eliminates the problem of shadows on the screen, which makes it much easier to interact with the projection. What is the Epson interactive projector and how does it work? Brilliant quality. English | K20alt. Junior High School Smartboard Lesson. Using the Interactive Dice in SMART Notebook. Shareable sticky notes web-app. Tour.

Hello, We launched Writeboard back in October of 2005 as a stand-alone service. A few years later we integrated Writeboards into Basecamp Classic and Backpack. Today, the vast majority of Writeboards are created inside those two products. As part of refocusing on Basecamp, we’ve decided to retire You’ll still be able to create Writeboards inside Basecamp Classic and Backpack, but you’ll no longer be able to start new stand-alone Writeboards here at

But don’t worry — any Writeboards you already created here at will continue to work. Thanks to everyone who used over the years. Onwards, Jason Fried, Founder & CEO, Basecamp. Collaborative writing software online with Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare. A Web Whiteboard. My Page.

Think Bank Ltd - Training, Design, Consultancy. Online whiteboard for drawing & team collaboration - Interactive whiteboard software. Free Online Whiteboard and Collaboration Tool - Welcome.


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Not ready to pick a plan? Prices listed apply to the US & Canada and may vary by region. Λογοτεχνία κατεύθυνσης. Paste the text you want to speed read. DeviantART muro. 10 Secondary Science Resources for your Whiteboard. Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates and/or follow me on Twitter. Info on how to contact me is on the About page. Thanks for visiting! As a companion post to 10 Primary Science ideas for your Whiteboard, here are 10 secondary school Science websites you might enjoy: Absorb Learning from Yenka : Hundreds of free IWB animations for KS4/KS5 Chemistry and Physics. ARKive : thousands of free wildlife videos and photographs, including great Darwin resources.

FreezeRay : large bank of interactive Science animations for KS3 and Ks4. Periodic Table of Videos : videos of all the different elements of the periodic table. Centre of the Cell : cell biology interactive resources. : excellent science animations and interactives for KS3/4 Science. PhET – interactive simulations : fun, java-based physics simulations.

Astronomy Picture of the Day : provide the Wow factor with some of these images. KScience – animations for KS3/4 Science. Like this: