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My Little Pony By Mari Kasurinen. Finnish artist Mari Kasurinen takes something that many of us would never have shown interest in, My Little Pony in this case, and completely transforms the way we see it.

My Little Pony By Mari Kasurinen

Find more at Mari’s website or Flickr. Find this post useful? Check out these: Alice Bartlett's Nail Art. Alice Bartlett creates tiny worlds on her fingernails using miniature people she picked up from a hobby store.

Alice Bartlett's Nail Art

You can see more of Alice’s work on her Flickr page. Share With Your Friends. Barbie Doll Anatomy by Jason Freeny. If you didn’t know who Jason Freeny was before this year, chances are you have become very familiar with the New York City based artist and designer over the past few months as he’s presented some incredible projects like the Gummi Bear Anatomy Toy Collection and of course the LEGO Minifig Anatomy.

Barbie Doll Anatomy by Jason Freeny

Well it looks like Freeny is back at the anatomy projects again as he presents this equally awesome Barbie Anatomy Model. The project features an iconic Barbie doll that has been dissected on one side to show us what the doll is truly made of. [Via] Dana Barnes Studio.


“The Art of Clean Up”: El arte de ordenar. Por Ursus Werhli, vía bumbumbum “The Art of Clean Up” es un libro del artista alemán Ursus Werhli, aquí recopila distintos objetos y situaciones completamente organizadas.

“The Art of Clean Up”: El arte de ordenar

Styling and Salvage. Clothing. Playscapes: More Playground Crochet from Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam. Scott Campbell. L’artiste tatoueur de New-York Scott Campbell expose ses dernières oeuvres à la galerie OhWow de Los Angeles.

Scott Campbell

Intitulée « Noblesse Oblige », cette exposition dévoile des créations réalisées au laser dans des planches de billets de $1. Un rendu impressionnant à découvrir dans la suite. Designers' List - Great resources and websites for designers.