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Luxury fashion brands

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Thierry Mugler : 30 000 fans en plus le temps d’un défilé. « lil'satellite. Catch a choo, les résultats de l’opération Jimmy Choo sur Foursquare. Annoncer ici Souvenez-vous, après vous avoir parlé de foursquare, le nouveau chouchou de la blogosphère et de la première marque de luxe à s’y être lancé Marc Jacobs nous vous avons parlé, en avril dernier de la chasse au trésor organisée dans les rues de Londres par la maison adorée des fashionistas : Jimmy Choo. Le concept de l’opération était simple. Les plus de 16 ans, résidant à Londres devaient suivre les « check-in » de la marque sur Foursquare afin de poursuive la paire de Jimmy Choo. La marque est avec Marc Jacobs et Louis Vuitton, une des seules marques de luxe à s’être lancées dans une campagne Foursquare marquant son côté avant-gardiste et innovant.

La question que tout le monde se pose quand une marque lance une opération de cette envergure est : « quelles sont les retombées ? Les objectifs de la marque avec cette opération étaient de : Et voici les résultats. Chanel et les blogueurs. Loin de retomber rapidement dans l'anonymat comme certains le prédisaient, les blogueurs suscitent de plus en plus l'intérêt des griffes de luxe. Alors que ces dernières s'étaient jusqu'ici abstenues d'associer clairement leur image à celle des stars de la toile, certaines rumeurs laissent à penser que les choses seraient en train de changer, et ce notamment du côté de la rue Cambon... Si Boucheron n'hésite pas à inviter telles ou telles membres de la blogosphère à découvrir en exclusivité sa dernière collection de bijoux au sein de ses salons de la place Vendôme, dans son ensemble le petit monde du luxe ne semble pas encore tout à fait prêt à les considérer comme des journalistes à part entière, ni même comme des "it" girls influentes.

Cela dit, il se pourrait que Karl Lagerfeld, pourtant peu familier des nouveaux "social média", soit sur le point de changer la donne. Par Lise Huret, le 18 février 2011 dans Actualité. Luxury Brands Using Social Media Marketing Online «FMM. Louis Vuitton - Ad Campaign How Should Luxury Brands Engage in Social Media? This past week, Women’s Wear Daily released an extensive recap of the WWD Luxury Forum.

The consensus among luxury professionals is that luxury brands and retailers need to build solid marketing foundations online and those foundations (based off of social media) should focus on building communities and keeping audiences engaged. Ogilvy Digital 360′s Rohit Bhargava and Forrester Research Analyst Jeremiah Owyang recently compiled better practice recommendations for luxury brands venturing into the social media arena. Bhargava’s and Owyang’s practices are starting points for luxury retailers who are contemplating a venture into social marketing. Can luxury retailers venture into social marketing without losing their prestige, aspirational values and sophistication?

In order for luxury brands to distinguish themselves diluting their brand, Owyang suggests that luxury brands: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fashion Brands, Social Media and Real Time Live Streaming «FMM. Alexander McQueen A few announcements in the past couple of weeks have made me ponder the place that real-time social media plays in fashion events. During Toronto Fashion Week, all social media was forbidden during events and shows; organizers blamed weak ticket sales for this shortsighted decision. The media (traditional and “new”) and readers agreed that wasn’t the way to go and some critics even went as far as to say it set the industry back several years.

As we discussed in “Fashionably Late to the Party“, it’s only to a brand’s, retailer’s or event’s advantage to leverage the power and the speed with which information is spread across social networks. Alexander McQueen made a bold decision during NYFW S/S 2010 to live stream his show straight from the runways. 1. 2. 3. 4. Twitter: Alexander McQueen Consumer Trends So what actually happened when McQueen streamed his show on Tuesday?

How McQueen could have made the experience even better: Luxury Brands, Social Networks and Building Communities «FMM. Luxury Brands and their adoption of social media is the topic du jour. The conversations are noisy, speculative and highly theoretical. Every self-proclaimed social media expert seems to have the answer, but their strategies have massive disconnects. Why? Because they’re not working in luxury. Thankfully, as the fashion industry adopts new methods of marketing online, seasoned luxury marketers are speaking out and becoming voices of reason. The Luxury Institute, Scott Galloway (Professor at NYU Stern) of LuxuryLab, Dana Gers and WWD are putting theory into practice and implementing strategies that could once again make luxury the leader it has always been.

At the heart of luxury branding conversations are questions related to community. No, not if implemented correctly. The words Exclusivity and Luxury have always been synonymous. A great example of a luxury brand building and developing its own community is Burberry. Burberry is experimenting with user-generated content. How Premium Fashion Brands Are Maximizing Their Social Media ROI. Social media and digital technology have forever changed the retail industry. In 2011, brands and retailers have reached a tipping point, digital innovations have decentralized commerce, and real-time consumer demand for designer merchandise has forever changed retail production cycles. Many fashion brands, mocked for their inability to move with the web because of a fear of accessibility, are no longer fighting the flow.

Through their embrace of social media and social commerce, fashion brands are now innovating and profiting from their online marketing strategies. Luxury and premium brands are starting to lead the way for all retailers looking to connect with their customers and build online revenue channels. Fashion Brands and Social Commerce Online shopping is becoming a socially connected event. During the past year, the luxury market experienced a digital tipping point, with many brands rolling out new e-commerce sites, social media campaigns and mobile applications.