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Drawing is the Foundation of Botanical Illustration. Foreshortening video featured by John Muir. The single most important thing that a botanical artist must do to make a successful illustration is get the proportions and morphology of the plant correct. The foundation of this is in the drawing. Drawing is so important that if something is drawn poorly the plant will not come to life. In my teaching I stress this. For most botanical artists drawing is challenging and time consumming and most would rather skip the drawing and get to the painting. This is one of the best visual explanations/videos of how to draw a cone shape/tubular flower I have seen.

In closing I want to remind you of the structure he provides, follow the rules but also do it with grace, movement and details that make your painting come alive. Tagged as: Botanical Art, Drawing Tips, Videos. How to draw a tree - tree drawing. I would like to use one of my own drawing attempts to introduce two of the "tricks" I have learned from others. One of the very convincing tricks is to combine detailed depiction of important areas with unfinished or blank areas.

The second one is to illustrate dimensions,proportion and space by the surrounding of the tree. 1.The tree trunk A trunk looks convincing when the viewer sees how the tree grows out of the earth. For that reason I paid particular attention to area at the trunk base. Are the roots to see? Is the tree trunk surrounded by grass, in which direction does the tree trunk lean.? Also the play of shadows thrown by the foliage can add a lot to a drawing especially when it´s combined with marks that emphasize the three dimensional form of a stem. 2. 3.Proportion and space The other trees in the background right and behind the main trees are simply there to illustrate the general form and the proportions between stem and crown as well as the space that they fill.

Art drawing lessons online - learn how to draw sketch paint. Figuredrawing.info_news. L'ABC DU DESSIN et de la PEINTURE. ARTNATOMY.


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